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HEY so y'know the fluff I toldja bout? Yeah this is the opposite. BUT fluff is coming though - Navi

(Muffin/Marcy POV)

I eventually fell asleep.

It was more common now for me to have dreams now that I had inhabited a 'new body', and especially since cats have such a random mind. But, nightmares, those were more rare than anything.

And that night had one of my worst ever nightmares.


I woke up in a forest like area the tree around me were looked big, dark, and probably oaks. And they were everywhere around me. Only on the side for some reason though, as if the trees were walls to make sure I wouldn't run out and only run through the grey colored grass.

Only a few seconds had passed until I heard a voice speak, " How could you?! I've been missing my life! My family! " it was Anne's voice, and a sentence I've never wanted to hear ever again. " Anne! No no no.. " I mumbled.
" That wasn't what I meant! I'm sorry! " I looked forward and saw a dark figure shaped like Anne in front of me.

" You ruined everything in our friendship, Marcy. You've done no good for us. "

A bright orange eye started to open on her forehead, I started to run. As fast as I could. And she just stood there, staring at me, angered.

 And she just stood there, staring at me, angered

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The forest seemed like it went on forever. The voice of Anne telling me that I was never her friend. And even though I knew it wasn't the real Anne, I was still hurt, crying even.

I suddenly felt something shanking my side gently. I faintly heard my name being called.

" Marcy? Marcy! Get up! Why are you crying? "

I flinched awake and realized my surroundings. Anne sitting next to me with a worried face on the bed, domino on Anne's lap, and me, with tears on my face.

" Bad dream? " Anne asked as I wiped the tears off of my face.

" Y- Yeah. "

" You wanna talk about it? "

" mhm.. "

I told Anne about the horrifying dream with my head on Anne's shoulder, and clinging to her arm. I didn't care how close I was to her, I just needed comfort from what had just happened in my mind.

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