" ANOTHER creature?! "

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(Muffin/Marcy POV)

" Really? That's the plan?? Just set up a family meeting and, wa-bam! I show up out of nowhere?! Seriously Anne I don't think that's much of a good plan... But we have no choice do we huh? " I ended my sentence with some words with actual thought out into them, the rest was just me blabbering about that our plan might no be too well.

" We really don't. " Anne answered quietly.

" We'll should we just go right now orrr.. " I stopped right there cause I had no other thought for when we would explain. Usually I'm the smart one in these situations, but this, wasn't easy to explain to anyone out of the blue.

" Sure! We can go and talk to them now, we shouldn't waste time just hiding you." Anne answered with confidence.

She grabbed my hand and my cheeks got warm from the touch. I was happy I had Anne back with me now. " Let's go! "Anne announced happily.

I ran along with her, still holding tightly to Anne's hand. Right when we were at the stairs Anne paused. Her voice was more quiet now " You wait here. I have to call my parents and the planters in first before I show them you. " She gently let her hand retreat from mine.

I heard Anne calling distantly " Guyys! Family meeting! Including the planters too!! " I heard the footsteps of Anne's family and found family running over.

" What'd ya need kiddo? " Hop pop questioned.

" Did you find a way home? " Sprig asked eagerly.

" Settle down guys and let Anne explain what she needs to say. " that was Mrs. B.

Anne let out a long sigh before announcing " I found someone who will be able to help us a lot with get back to Amphibia, she's a nerd for sure, and you already know her. " She inhaled again " Marcy's here. "

" WHAT?! "

" HOW?! "

" WHERE!?? "

those were only a few of the many questions that came milliseconds after Anne stated that I was here. She looked over and gestured me to come down from the stairs, I walked down and the looks on everyone's faces were honestly funny. I started giggling. " Hi guys.. " I gave a small awkward smile.

" Off topic but has anyone seen Muffin? " Polly asked, unknowing of the fact that I AM Muffin.

" Well, uh.. so y'know the cat ears and stuff? " something kinda just clicked in Polly at that moment

" Ohhh.. "

" Yup. "

After we explained the rest, me and Anne went up to her room. I needed to apologize during a good time instead of during the moment I get impaled with a sword. So I did exactly that. " Hey.. Anne? "

" Yeah? You alright? " She was concerned because of my change of tone in my voice, Anne had become more protective of me. Even though we were only actually together for a few hours, I noticed the change immediately.

" Can I talk to you? In your room? I just wanna be alone with you. "

" Of course mar! Being with you sounds better than just standing in the living room. " Anne grabbed my hand and led me upstairs into her room. We sat on the bed still holding hands, Anne was the first to speak to me. " Soo.. what'd ya wanna talk about? "

" I'd.. Like to apologize for what I've done to you and Sasha. "

Anne gripped my hand tighter after I had said that. " I forgive you. I've been, it was the very first thing I said when I fully saw you again. "

" And I forever will. "

Something loosened in me at that moment, I felt as if my guilt went down by a million. I teared up and hugged Anne. No words were spoken, all we needed was each others presence. I felt more better about what I had done. But the guilt was still there. As if there was a boulder and Anne had come over a blasted a dent in it, but it wasn't enough to break the boulder of guilt.

I was first to speak after a moment. I was still hanging onto Anne though.

" ...Thanks. "

We stayed in Anne's room for a few hours, talking to each other and catching up on what has happened. After that we eventually took a fell asleep together on the bed. Still hanging on to the other tightly. I was still awake, flustered nonetheless but I let out a small murmer.

" You won't lose me again, I promise. And I mean it this time."

WHOOP- sorry about the long random stop with chapters, I was on vacation for like a week. And I've been a lot more active on tumblr than here lol. But other than that, I hoped you liked the chapter! -Navi

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