An forgotten face

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(Muffin/Marcy POV)

Domino gently bonked me on the nose. " Hey- wh- ow! "


" Why are you staring at me? " I still had paws and a tail and the ears too, but I was no longer on all fours, I was in my S.J.M.S hoodie uniform again. And I was sitting upright, somehow.

" How in the... " mewed the dark cat

" Seriously what? " I asked confused

" Y- you- look in a mirror. "

I got up, somehow taller. I looked at my feet. I was standing now! How? I ran to a mirror and tripped over a floor tile but tried to not break anything.

I broke a makeup palate, but quickly picked it up and hid it in a small drawer where probably no one would find it.

I got up and looked in the small mirror on the side of the sink. I saw me, my face

I didn't deserve to see myself again! Why would I? I did so many wrong things to Anne.. she might hate me for it. I wiped away the thoughts and looked at myself again to see the big and small differences.

Big differences:
Human ears, gone. Cat ones now.
Hands now some cool claws,
And I have a tail! I always kinda wanted a tail.

One small difference:
I now have sharper teeth!

I almost looked identical to Catra from she-ra! But in real life!

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I almost looked identical to Catra from she-ra! But in real life!

Domino walked in and asked how this happened.

" Your always smart.. so can you find what caused this? " She asked. I wasn't too sure myself all I knew was that Domino smacked me on the nose.. The nose!

" Hold on lemme test something! " I booped myself on the nose and, BAM! I was back as a cat!

" Woahh cool! I can control this kinda stuff! " I said looking at my paws again. I then heard a door slamming, it was Anne and the planters.

Their home?? Already? Arghh! I ran down the stairs and greeted Anne with a nudge. I had to act like a normal cat, not all random.

" That, HP is why you shouldn't EVER sign up for those acting auditions. You set us up for disaster! "

" Ok, ok. I know it's bad but we probably won't run into mr. X for a while! We'll be fine. " That was Hop Pop. I wondered what they did this time.

" Sureee, " Anne said sarcastically.

" Anyways, we should get prepared for Christmas coming soon! "

" Chrisma- The what? " Sprig asked.

" No time to explain! " Anne bounded off into her room, I followed along. She started looking through her closet and found a cute little glittery bell with some leaves on it, me and Anne made it together the last Christmas we were on earth.

 She started looking through her closet and found a cute little glittery bell with some leaves on it, me and Anne made it together the last Christmas we were on earth

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Anne held the bell gently in her palms " Marcy, I know your probably not even here but i just want you to know I love you, and I miss you. I promise to get you back in time.. " Anne muttered quietly.

She loves me?

I wasn't too far from her in the room so I bounded over and tried to comfort her, I slightly succeeded. I was happy that Anne was happy but I had another thought on my mind.

I need to show her it's me soon, and the fact that I'm here, and talk about everything that's happening back in Amphibia.

I will.

Sorry for not updating for a while! I was busy with school and all that. But I'm happy for the support I've gotten from all of you <3 - Navi

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