" You okay? "

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(Anne POV)

" Oh my frog, how did that happen?! " I mumbled into my pillow. I had been in my room for about 30 minute by now.

It honestly felt like a dream. But eventually I did go into the actual dream world, into a light slumber.


I woke up to Mom calling me down for lunch. "Anne! Come downstairs. You've been in your room for an entire hour! " Mom called.

" Ok ok I'm coming! " I mumbled to myself as I made my way downstairs. Then I saw Marcy's newly claimed room, a small sticky note stuck on the door saying, 'Marcy is here!' With a small doodle of her in the corner.

 Then I saw Marcy's newly claimed room, a small sticky note stuck on the door saying, 'Marcy is here!' With a small doodle of her in the corner

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I stood in front of the door for a while until I heard Mom call again, " ANNE GET DOWN HERE NOW! " I flinched and zoomed down the stairs.

" Coming, coming! Sorry. "

Marcy needed to come down and eat too, but she was still in her room. I was a little bit concerned by now so I went back up and knocked gently on her door.

" Ah! " A muffled voice squeaked from in the room. " Yeah? " Marcy said once she realized it was just me.

" Hey, it's me Marce. You should come down for lunch. I think my moms making.. I dunno sandwiches probably? "

" Yeah, ok, I'll be down soon. " I heard a faint pencil scraping against a paper, marcy was probably writing in her journal. " Ok I'll be waiting. "

" Kay. "


A little while later (after lunch) Marcy's was still in her room. I decided I would just bring the food up to her. I grabbed the plate and carefully walked upstairs to Marcy's room, and knocked.

" Hm? "

" It's me, I got you some lunch. You okay? " I asked, I thought Marcy was most likely still thinking about what had happened that morning. I was too. I opened the door to see Marcy sitting on the bedside doodling something into her journal. I set the plate of food down and sat next to her.

" Hey.. About what happened this morning... " I started saying hesitantly, I had to bring it up at some point.

" ..Yeah? " Marcy answered even more reluctantly than I did.

I started thinking of something to say 'do you wanna talk.?' No. How about 'can I have another kiss?' Heck nah. Then it just came,

" Hey you ok if I do something real quick? " I asked.

" yeah alright. "

Then I leaned over, and gave Marcy a kiss on her cheek.


(Evil laughing) yes I did give y'all another cliffhanger >:) -Navi

Fur and Bone (Amphibia marcanne au)Where stories live. Discover now