Together, and closer.

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(Marcy POV)

" Hey you ok if I do something real quick? " Anne asked.

" yeah alright. "

Then She leaned over, and gave me a kiss.

It took me a second to comprehend what had just happened.

" oh. "

Anne panicked at my reaction and stuttered. " Ah- uhm- sorry. The was- kind of- kinda stupid, sorry. " It was almost funny.

" No, no it's ok it's just.. it was kind of my first kiss kinda thing I've gotten from someone.. weird huh? "

I was trying to keep it as casual as possible, before panicking and going all 'oh my frog I'm gonna go feral my childhood crush just kissed me on the cheek'. That one was probably just me..

" Y- Yeah.. I guess?. " Anne kinda hesitantly answered.

I was zoned out in thought because, well, my crush literally just kissed me. I snapped back when Anne started talking again.

" Sooo... does this mean were.. y'know.." She did a small wave around with her hand, " "

" Maybe? I'm not too sure right now. Aren't we young?.. No. Sasha has been in multiple relationships and me too. This feels way more awkward than it might be? Oof.. " I put my hand to my forehead and sighed.

" Yeah. I feel the same, " Anne then rested her head on my shoulder then started to continue. " should we tell the Planters? "

" Probably a good idea not to. They would tease us a bunch. Maybe your parents? "

" They would tease us too. " A giggle came out of Anne's mouth, it was so sweet when she laughed. And now I don't have to feel guilty for thinking that.

" How about we just tell both? "

" Good idea. " A smile formed on my lips and I giggled. This was a moment I had been waiting for, a while now. And it felt great to have this moment now.

" Let's wait a bit till we tell, cause we just started.. uh.. dating? Feels weird to call it that right now. But I wanna wait a little while till we tell, ok? "

" Yup, I definitely agree. "

Had to make this one short cause I'm tired and have hardly any motivation -v-'' - Navi

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