A yellow-ish green

352 11 6

(Anne POV)

I was getting home from helping at Thai go (my parents restaurant). On my bike riding peacefully and quietly.
Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly, we're at home. I trusted them enough to have them alone now.

I planned on reading Marcy's journal when I got home. Reading it just comforted me, her little sketches and notes warmed my heart. I missed her a lot, now that muffin was with me I'd let her sit next to my dresser while I read.

She never came over to me when I read the journal, she never knew I even read it.
She would just sleep. But her presence was nice to have, though she was doing literally nothing.

I got out of my trance of thinking and focused more on biking.

[10 minutes later]

" Guys! I'm home! " I shouted. " Anne hi! Did anything happen at the restaurant? "
" Nothing much just some normal customers here and there " I said.

" Other than that, did you guys cause any trouble while I was gone? "

" Nope! We're all good! " answered sprig in a happy voice.

" I'll trust that, I'm going upstairs ok? " I said, already going up the stairs.

" Ok! Bye! "

As I walked I heard Polly turn on the tv, probably another movie or show.
I walked up and opened the door to my room, and saw muffin laying on the floor, she got up and ran to me with a happy little face. Purring loudly while I gave her pats.

Then suddenly she got up and ran to a drawer, pushed it open with her snout and pulled out a one of my yellow hair clips.

" What? Hey c'mere! Gimme that! " I said as I ran over. I stopped to see that she was in front of me already.

Then she gave it to me as if saying 'here, take it please.' " Good girl. " I put it back in the drawer. She looked disappointed, dunno why but I picked up the journal and started flipping to the page I was at. She suddenly looked shocked and panicked.

She ran over and nudged the book out of my hands. She never would do this! " Hey! What was that for?! " I snatched the book from her little mouth.

She gave up by then, but I couldn't help but notice how she looked like she knew exactly what page I was at though.

I ignored the thought and opened the journal.

Journal entry 13

Entry title - Anne rant

Anne is sooo pretty!  .....

I read and read.

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