Journal entry 13

330 12 4

(Anne POV)

Entry title - Anne rant

Anne is sooo pretty! I'm saying that platonically of course. But honestly she just a plain out amazing bestie!!

 But honestly she just a plain out amazing bestie!!

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I also looovve hanging out with her. Just us, no Sasha or any planters. We just get to be dorks, running in a field or stargazing or even messing up the castle at a sleepover! It's just really fun being with her. I always get a fuzzy feeling around Anne, I've never had many friends in my life so I dunno the fuzzy feeling means.

But I gave up asking anyone about it anyway. I asked Lady Olivia but not in the correct way I wanted, all she answered with was " You'll figure it out. " Like HUH? What's THAT supposed to mean????


" heh, I'm glad she thinks we're good friends. I love her company too. " I said out loud a little pink glowing on my cheeks. Muffin then stood her head up, relieved. I wondered why.


Anne has left recently and I can't help but realize something has changed about her, y'know that " fuzzy feeling " I wrote about earlier? I'm getting more and more confused about it. It's weird, whenever Anne smiles or hugs me, the " fuzzy " feeling gets a little stronger.

Maybe it's cause of our forever growing friendship?

I'm a nerd, everybody calls me it, negatively and positively! But I can't seem to know what this is. I literarily know like 80 flower symbolism's but I can't figure this out?!

Ugghh it's too hard to know what it is. Well I'll look into it later.

Marcy wu, out


Huh that one was different. I thought, she was probably just writing on how nice I was. Reading that made me miss her even more. I placed down the book and flopped onto my bed face up.

Muffin noticed my sadness and came over.

She gave a small sigh and jumped up, padding the sheets and loaf sitting.

" Hey there girl " I said quietly while petting her. She purred and gave a lick to my finger. I giggled " hehe that tickles! "

I scooped her up and gave a little kiss on the head. She froze after that, then tried to act more normal, I was more confused now. Kissing pets it's normal —to some I guess— but I was more confused about her attitude today.

First she took a hair clip from my drawer, second she took Marcy's note book, third she just froze up when I kissed her fluffy head.

" You little weirdo. " I smiled and pet her again before letting her settle next to me and sleep. I also took a well needed nap.

nyehehe little does Anne know — Navi Blu

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