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(Anne P.O.V)

" Sprig! Polly! C'mon, let's go! " I said while grabbing my jacket. The three of us, me, Sprig, and Polly, we're about to go on a walk through the park me and Marcy used to hang out at. I miss her. Ever since the incident nothing has been the same. I was lost in thought until the two frog siblings came running in.

" Anne! Anne! Hey!! You there? " Polly jumped onto my shoulder almost yelling at me. I flinched a little.

" something bothering you? " Sprig asked with concern.

" No I-I'm fine. " I said reassuringly.

" Ok then let's go! " the small frog boy said grabbing my arm. I went with him to the front door, Mr. Boonchuy waiting at his motorcycle. " You ready to go? " he asked. " Yup! " I answered while climbing on. Polly was in the little basket we attached on recently and sprig was sitting behind me. We were driving along the road while thoughts of a few days ago came in.

Sprig watched the " Tralanulad " movie and went out calling himself " Frog Man " but that wasn't important. I was more thinking of the weird feeling I got that day that Marcy had something bad happen to her, I don't know what, but things just didn't feel right. And that feeling has stuck with me till this moment on the motorcycle.

" We're here! " Mr. Boonchuy said. Instantly I snapped out of my little trance and got off.

Marcy's words still ringing in my head like always " I-I'm sorry for everything " I tried getting those words out of my mind while walking, and just appreciate the pretty forest around me.

" Seriously is something on your mind? Just please explain. Im worried. " Sprig asked again with even more concern than before.

" It's just.. I've been thinking a lot about Marcy and Sasha, but for some reason I think of Marcy even more than usual now. " I said. " weird! Do ya think you have some sort of connection to Marcy and Sash through your glowing blue powers? "

" Thats.. a lot. But maybe? I dunno. Let's just get on the trail before we get lost. " I answered unsure.

[ 30 minutes pass while walking ]

The walk was tiring. Sure. But it was nice to have random conversations with Sprig and Polly. I accidentally mentioned frog legs and that sure stared something.

" What's frog legs? "
" It's a food!? "
" Have you tried them? "
" Who the HECK invented frog legs- "

" Hold on! I see something. " It was a small black little blob it was kinda blurry in the sun light, so I couldn't see it that well, but it almost looked like.. A cat?

Fur and Bone (Amphibia marcanne au)Where stories live. Discover now