Its Like A Dream

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(Anne POV)

As I listened to Marcy's explanation of the nightmare, I wondered why she had a nightmare like that. I would never say those things to her.

" Hmmm.. Do you wanna get breakfast now? " I asked, breaking the short silence between us.

" No. Can you stay here with me? "

" Of course mar-mar. "

I suddenly heard Domino mew. And after that mew Marcy was silent with a small smirk on her face.

" What did she say? "

" She said your hair looks like a bird nest. " Marcy burst out laughing and flopped onto the bed, Marcy had still been hanging onto my arm so she dragged me down with her.

After our fit of laughing I looked at Marcy's dark brown eyes.

" I've missed hearing your voice honestly. "

" Wh- what?.. " Marcy asked with a completely red, flustered face.

" I- Uh- I didn't mean it like- augh, forget it. Let's go get breakfast. "

" Okay. "


Me and Marcy went out into the kitchen, holding hands. That in which, caused my found family to look at me and Marcy all with those mischievous smirks on.

" Sooo.. You and 'marbles' got something goin' on? " Sprig asked, with a bowl of cereal in his hands.

" Shut. up. "

" Woah, Anne hah- I didn't actually expect a hostile response! " The pink frog boy said jokingly, raising his hands up.

" Dude, grab your cereal before it spills. " I said, quickly changing the subject.

" Crabapples- "


" Dummy, also, great. Now I have to clean this up and get more cereal. " I walked over to a rack with some towels on it. And grabbed one.

As I was dabbing at the carpet, Sprig apologized to me.

" No need to say sorry man. It was just a mistake. "

We watched tv while eating breakfast. Me and Marcy decided to go to the cafe nearby to my house, we used to go there frequently before Amphibia happened. The waiters knew us well and when we went to the doors me and Marcy saw the missing posters of us, mine with 'found' pasted onto mine.

Marcy was wearing one of my beanies and a long dark green sweater to cover up the tail and ears. We couldn't do anything about the sharper canines though. And I was wearing just my usual yellow jacket.

Me and Marcy only planned to hang out there and catch up more on what had been happening with the both of us.

When we walked in the cashier looked pretty surprised to see Marcy.

" She's back? Really! "

" Yup. Marce has actually been staying with me and my family for a bit. "

" Well then, what do you want today? "

" Just what we used to get. "

" Alright! "

We walked to a booth over in the corner and sat down next to each other. We talked, getting more and more caught up with each other. I managed to finally muster up the courage to say something I needed to say,

" Marcy, what happened while you were in Amphibia?

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