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(Marcy POV)

When we got home I immediately only said, " I'm.. gonna go up to your room. Kay? " Anne still was somehow in shock, but managed to reply in a quiet voice,

" ok. "

I slowly walked to Anne's room and took off the beanie. Immediately i pressed my nose gently and poofed into a cat. Then ran under the bed.

" Why are you so urgent? "

I let out a small eep! of surprise, only to see Domino peeking to me from outside of the bed. " Not now Domino. " I whispered softly. " I can tell you wanna talk, no one else will even understand our conversation. "

" I do kinda wanna talk to someone right now.. " I confessed.

" Kay, what happened? I wanna hear it all. " Domino had that look on her face that was just like Sasha's when she wanted to know recent gossip.

" Okay, so, me and Anne were at the cafe like we used to. And we talked and caught up with each other more, but after Anne and I had a personal talk.. I KISSED HER!! That was so stupid of me! Why would I do that?! I wasn't thinking.. " I suddenly realized I had warm tears running down my face, and my heart was racing.

Domino pressed comfortingly against me.

" That was slightly stupid, but I'm pretty sure Anne was just in shock. She obviously likes you, she probably has for a while now. "

" Not sure about that entire statement. "

" Well you should be sure, I've observed her for years. I'm literally her cat. "

" True. But still.. what if she doesn't like me? "

Suddenly we heard the door open. And Anne flopping onto the bed. Silent. " Your probably in here, Marce, but I don't really care right now.. "

" I think Anne may or may not have heard us mewing. " I said faintly. " Yeah, let's just stay here so we just don't alert her. "

" Yeah. "


We stayed there for a bit, I wasn't sure what Anne was doing on the bed. She was completely silent, a small whimper coming from her every few minutes. Eventually I heard faint snoring.

" Let's go. " Domino whispered.

" Alright "

We crawled out from under the bed silently and I decided to go over to the guest room (which was technically my new room). Domino stayed behind and layed with Anne. I went back to my bed and sat on the side. Questioning everything why did I do that? Will Anne still hang out with me? Will she start to avoid me? Will our friendship be over? I didn't want to send myself down that road so I tried to stop thinking about it.

I had managed to get my journal back (in which Anne somehow had). So I decided to write in it like some old times. I grabbed a pencil and started writing.

Random but: I was gonna add a warrior cats reference cuz one of my headcanons is that Marcy likes and reads warriors :P - Navi

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