Movie Marathon Pt. 2

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Desmond squinted at the DVD in Kelvin's hand, making sure he had read the title correctly. "The Adventures of Food Boy?" He read aloud. "What in the world is that?" Ignoring Desmond's inquiry, Kelvin popped the disc into the player and with the press of a button on a remote, the cinematic masterpiece had begun. "Your life's about to change, Des..." Kelvin uttered mysteriously as the opening scene played. Not even a wee bit less confused, Desmond succumbed to his fate, sighing as he got comfy on the couch next to Kelvin. What else am I gonna do for 108 minutes? Thought Desmond.


"Pause it, Des! PAUSE IT!" Kelvin bolted off the couch and sprinted towards the computer to type in the code. Desmond obeyed his orders to pause the movie as he listened to his partner aggressively type in the Numbers. Maybe a bit too aggressively, in fact, because Desmond couldn't help but wonder if that keyboard would even work in another 108 minutes. But the Sexy Scot did not dwell on the thought for long, as Kelvin came tearing back into the room and allowed Desmond to hit play.

"Pass the Dharma tissues, Des?" A teary Kelvin asked as the final scene played out on the television screen in front of the two men. "Aye, brother," answered Desmond through his own tears as he snagged a tissue for himself before passing the box to Kelvin. "They just love each other so bloody much," continued Desmond as he wiped away his tears. Kelvin nodded as he too wiped away tears. Then he blew his nose way too loudly, ruining the moment. "Bloody hell!" Desmond shouted. "Sorry, Des! I can't with this movie, it's so..." Overtaken by emotion, Kelvin was unable to finish his sentence and continued crying. But Desmond understood how his partner felt. It was simply a masterpiece of cinema, and seeing the two teenagers smooching made him think of his Penny. Desmond then wondered, as he watched the older man bawl his eyes out, if Kelvin had a lady friend of significance. The two men hadn't known each other for long, but Desmond simply had to know. Perhaps he would find out during their next game of Truth or Dare.

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