Throwing Hands & Hurling Insults

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"Truth," Kelvin answered. He gulped as Desmond pondered all of the questions swimming about in his head. The lad had a fiery look in his eye that made Kelvin squirm. "So, Kelvin," Desmond began, "What does the button really do?"


"Aha! Saved by the bell!" Kelvin exclaimed. "Could you get that, Des?" Desmond threw Kelvin an incredulous look as the older man stood up from the couch and once again donned his Hazmat suit. "We've still got four minutes," said Desmond as he too stood up and strode over to Kelvin. "Answer my bloody question, Kelvin!" Desmond snarled as he grabbed his roommate by the collar of his shirt. "Let go of me, Des!" Kelvin shouted as he shoved the other man backward. Desmond eyed Kelvin with that angry Desmond look and lunged at him.

{beep, beep, beep}

The timer began to beep faster as Desmond and Kelvin wrestled on the floor. "You crazy bastard, the timer's about to run out!" Kelvin yelled as he attempted to paw Desmond off of him. "And what's gonna happen when it does, brother?!" Desmond responded, grabbing hold of Kelvin's collar once again, forcing the older man to look him in the eye. "Do you really want to find out?!" Kelvin shouted back, finally shoving Desmond off of himself and sending the Scotsman tumbling across the room. Desmond glanced up at the clock as he heard alarm sounds blaring from the intercom speakers to see that there were only ten seconds remaining. Desmond scrambled to his feet, punched in the numbers and hit "execute." He let out a sigh of relief as he watched the clock reset to 108.

"I knew you didn't have it you," Kelvin sneered as he finished putting on his suit. Desmond lowered his eyes from the clock to glare at the other man. "Where in the bloody hell are you going?" Desmond questioned as he followed Kelvin to the door. When Kelvin didn't answer, the Scotsman threw himself between the door and Kelvin, begging his roommate to let him go outside, too. "Sorry, Des," began Kelvin as he pushed Desmond aside, "you stay here, you push the button. That's an order."

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