Chapter 7.

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John B and I fell asleep on the fold out couch while we were talking about our father and what it means that this compass has come back to us. John B thinks it means that he is still alive and is sending us a sign that we need to find him. It wasn't sent back to us though, we found it on a boat wreck that we weren't even supposed to be on, I think it's just a coincidence but John B never listens.

He was a lot closer to our father than I was.

"DCS! I know you're in there" I heard a voice call out with a loud knock on the door which woke John B and I up. Shit, DCS are here again and this time they will take us to the mainland. I sat up so quickly and saw JJ jump at the window laughing.

"You should've seen your face. Your face was like" He said pulling a scared face.

"Asshole" I muttered before laying back down

"I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara" JJ said to John B while the three of us were in the Twinkie heading to Miss Lana's house.

"She clearly likes you, she's like 'Oh John B'" JJ said, moaning slightly making me chuckle because it is so obvious Kie likes him.

"She was sketching about you diving, then she kissed you" I said joining into the conversation.

"See man, even your sister noticed" JJ said to John B

"She kissed me on the cheek, it's not like we were making out" John B said to us "You've kissed her on the cheek a million times" He said pointing at me

"Low hanging fruit, bro. Don't pretend you don't notice. I see it in your eyes, you're like 'I kinda like that' and you start blushing" JJ says making me nod in agreement

"I blush?" John B questioned

"Yeah you do, it's a Routledge thing" I said to him

"Hey don't" John B suddenly yelled at JJ, I noticed he had the compass in his hands.

"I gotta admit, your fathers compass in Scooter's boat. That's freaky" JJ said, changing the topic.

"Yeah. That's why we're going to talk to Miss Lana, figure this whole thing out" John B said, focusing on the road not noticing JJ and I gave each other a look.

"I sure she would just love to talk to us right now" I said, knowing she wouldn't.

"It's not like her husband just drowned or anything" JJ said, agreeing with me.

We pulled up to Miss Lanas house which was painted pink and blue, with a sign about tree spirits in the front yard.

"You know what this house looks like?" John B said to us

"Whoever lives here smokes too much weed?" JJ said which made me laugh

"You'd know" I said back to him, making him turn around and give me a cheeky smile. Finally we were back to how we were before the kiss.

As we were walking up to the house we heard a lot of banging, crashing and glasses smashing causing all three of us to look at each other unsure if we should be here.

"Uh maybe we should come back. It's a little too soon" JJ said nervously

"No, no, shut up. Shut up JJ" John B whispered while walking closer to the house

"JB I think we should go" I said nervously about what we were walking into.

"Come on" He said, motioning us to keep walking, as we got closer and heard more crashing we all ran close to the house to make sure we weren't seen. JJ ran ahead of John B which put JJ at the front of us, John B in the middle and me at the back.

"Still think we should stay?" JJ whispered, the guys inside were yelling about a compass, was this our compass?

There was more banging on the wall and paint fell on top of us going through our hair.

"Is that paint?" I asked the boys

"Yes, its paint" John B snapped at me as if i asked a dumb question

"We should just go. He's got smuggler written all over him" JJ said as John B pushed in front of him looking at the guys heading down the dock and onto the boat. I could hear Miss Lana crying inside.

"Dude, those were the guys that shot at us" JJ said looking at the men.

"Get back, get back" JJ pushed me back against the wall so we weren't seen by the guys.

When the boat was gone from sight, I ran in front of the boys and into the house to check on Miss Lana.

"Savannah" John B called out, annoyed that I ran into the house without them.

"Dude, I could kill your sister sometimes" JJ said sounding stressed "Why does she always do shit to put her in danger"

"Hey, It's okay, It's Savannah Routledge" I said, putting my hand on Miss Lanas shoulder, making her jump.

"Sav, she's tweaking" JJ said

"Do you need a doctor?" I asked ignoring JJ's comment

"Let's call the Sheriff's department" John B said, pulling out his phone before realising we have no service.

"No cops please" Miss Lana yelled at us.

"Mm, that's not good. Come on, let's just go" JJ said, grabbing my arm to pull me up.

"You shouldn't be here" Miss Lana said between crys.

"That's enough for me" JJ said, dragging me back again.

"What do you know about these guys?" John B asked Miss Lana

"They were looking for something" She said still upset

"Does it have anything to do with this?" John B said, showing her the compass "This was my fathers and Scooter had it, why?" Something sparked in her eye and she became scared again.

"Scooter didn't have it, okay? Don't tell anyone you have that" She yelled "They can't know"

"You've gotta get out of here! Go! Get out!" She yelled at us making JJ drag John B and I out of the house. 

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