Chapter 28.

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Pope, Kie and JJ left to go and find John B. JJ wanted to stay with me but I knew that if they found John B he would need either JJ or I. They took the boat and headed out to the Cameron's to make sure John B wasn't there while I stayed at the Chateau in case he came home. It was so quiet and dark, I haven't been here on my own in months so it felt very strange.

"JJ, Sav?" I heard John B call out "Pope, Kie?"

"John B, thank god" I said coming out of dad's office "I was so worried" I said hugging my brother who was crying.

"I'm sorry to just tell you that and then run off, I was so angry at Ward and just wanted to kill him" He said and I could sense his fear and anger

"I didn't though Sav, I wouldn't ever actually do that" He said looking at me, then looking past me. He walked over to dad's picture on the wall and pulled it off and started to cry more.

I went and put my arm around him and gave him a hug and began to cry with him.

"I miss you" John B said to the photo

"I have an idea" I said to him taking the photo and taking his hand leading him down to the dock.

We made a little boat out of sticks and put the photo in the boat leaning against a candle and John B lit the candle and put the boat in the water below us. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder, the both of us crying.

"Goodbye dad" John B said

"We love you" I said as the picture floated away

"I love you John B" I said hugging him tighter

"It's you and me against the world" He said making me smile, this is something we always used to say to each other as kids but now it was true, we had no parents anymore, it was just us.

We stayed down on the dock the whole night, watching the stars and talking about dad until we eventually both fell asleep.

It was still dark so I knew it was late when JJ walked down the dock as quietly as he could trying not to wake us up, he sat down next to us and kissed my cheek before falling asleep right next to us without saying a word.

The next morning I could feel the sun on my face and a body move next to me, I opened my eyes to see John B sitting up looking out at the water.

"You okay?" I asked him

"Yeah, when did he get here?" He turned around giving me a smile and pointing to JJ who was snoring beside me.

"Very late last night, he didn't wake either of us up though for once" I laughed because JJ always wakes one of us up, he is very noisy usually.

"He really loves you Sav, I've never seen him like this about anyone before" John B said looking at JJ making me smile

"Shit" John B said suddenly

"What? What's wrong?" I asked him

"The gold" He said simply before running to the van making me follow and get in the passenger seat, leaving a sleeping JJ on the dock.

John B didn't say anything as he sped towards the Crain house, we pulled up and saw a 'For Sale' sign out the front making us run straight towards the basement noticing the Cameron development equipment in the yard.

"Is it there?" I yelled to my brother who was down the well looking for the gold but he didn't answer me until he got to the top of the well and pulled himself up.

"He got it didn't he?" I asked already knowing the answer

"Fuck!" John B yelled, confirming that Ward Cameron now has the gold.

We got back to the Chateau and saw Kie and JJ sitting down on the dock.

"Oh hey guys, thanks for leaving me to wake up on the dock alone" JJ said to us before noticing our faces realising something was wrong "Guys, what happened?"

"Ward Cameron got the gold" I said as John B laid in the same spot he slept last night and JJ offered me his joint. I don't always smoke but after yesterday I needed it.

"You sure he got everything?" Kie asked once the news settled in.

"Every bar" I answered

"The whole enchilada" John B said as he was taking off his own cast "It's not like i expected a happy ending or some shit" He said throwing his cast away

"John B" Kie looked at him concerned

"What Kie? It's a hairline fracture. Who cares?" John B said annoyed

"You should probably care" I said to my brother "Your arm's gonna be messed up for life"

"It's fine, see?" He held up his fingers moving them all around making me roll my eyes.

"Guys, guys" We all looked up to see a sweaty Pope running as fast as he could down the dock. He bent down trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, god. I ran all the way here" Pope said breathless

"How was the interview Pope?" JJ asked from next to me

"Oh yeah, how did it go? Did you get it?" I asked Pope wanting some good news

"Don't ask" He said making JJ and I look at each other with wide eyes

"JB, Look I'm sorry dude. About everything. But I don't have a lot of time and I have information that is tactically relevant" Pope said, making all of us look over at him and I went over and stood next to him and John B.

"So, before I had my interview my dad said he was going down to the private airstip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane, because it was too heavy it needed a longer landing strip to take off" Pope said making John B and I look at each other

"So, I'm sitting there in my interview thinking to myself 'Hm, why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?" Pope looked at us waiting for us to answer the question

"Gold" JJ and I said at the same time.

"Exactly" Pope yelled very over the top "Guys, this is our chance but it leaves tonight, we have to go"

"We can't give up now" Kie said jumping off the railing she was sitting on

"What's the plan JB?" I asked looking at my brother

"We're going to steal that shit back" He said looking straight at me making me break into a massive smile

"Yeah we are" I said, hugging all my friends.

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