Chapter 10.

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On our way to pick up Kie, John B filled JJ, Pope and I in on everything we missed that afternoon after the lighthouse. He was arrested and charged with assault with Kie's dad paying his bail. Then he got fired for stealing the scuba gear after Sarah Cameron told her dad she saw him take it. Then he was chased by the square groupers and electrocuted. He gave the compass to Sheriff Peterkin and burned most of our dad's belongings before coming to a realisation about the name 'Redfield'.

"Oh and Pope. Remember how I said don't leave them alone" John B asked Pope

"Uh yeah? Oh god what did they do?" Pope said looking at JJ and I laughing

"John B may have walked in on Sav and I" JJ said, trailing off leaving the rest to Pope's imagination, he realised because his eyes went wide as he looked at us.

"Not during! It was after" I said to Pope

"That doesn't make it any better" John B said back to me as I lent into JJ and we both were laughing.

We pulled up to the Wreck and I went inside to get Kie.

"Hey Mr C." I said walking past her dad, who usually loves me but just glared at me.

"I'm not coming Sav, I'm done for the day" Kie says

"Come on, John B has a new idea and this one might actually be good" I said trying to tempt her

"I'm not coming Sav" Kie says firmly

"Okay, grump. Then I won't tell you about John B walking in on JJ after we had sex" I said knowing this will get her attention

"I'm sorry, what?" She said shocked dropping what she was doing

"Hey, uh what are you doing?" John B said walking up to Kie and I

"What does it look like" She said returning to her spackling

"What did you do to her?" I asked my brother

"Not now, Sav" He brushed me off

"Sav says you are concocting again?" She says looking at me

"Yes. Yes, I'm concocting. I'm concocting more than I've ever concocted in my life. Look I know you're just being a good friend and I know you're not trying to enable me in my delusion. I know your dad doesn't want you to see me, but listen to me, please" John B rambled grabbing Kies arm "Look, you are my best friend and I need you right now. And I am sorry about the kiss thing, that was super weird and I feel awkward about it and just listen, I need you and i'm begging"

"Oh my god, Shut up!" Kie interrupted John B making me laugh, I think they forgot I was here.

"Friends?" She asked kissing his cheek

"Back in the friend zone" John B says as we all walk back out

"You kissed Kie?" I asked my brother

"You slept with JJ?" He asked me back with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah but at least mine worked out for me" I laughed walking past him and he just stuck his finger up at me.

"Do you mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day, a lot of weird stuff has gone down. I'm just gonna lay low" JJ said pulling out a joint "Oh, did you want a hit of this?" JJ asked Pope who was looking at his in disbelief

"No thanks, I keep the signal clear" Pope said back

"Dude, okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative? If you got creative then" JJ started annoying Pope

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