Chapter 20.

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I hadn't spoken to John B again that night as we all rode in the van towards the Hawks Nest, I just sat in the back of the van next to JJ looking out the window.

As we pulled up, JJ and Pope went to get out of the car when John B stopped them

"Yo, so I think i'm going to do this one by myself tonight" He said to us making me scoff at him, of course he is.

"I just don't want to spook Sarah with the peanut gallery" John B said shrugging

"I just don't understand why we're involving her at all" Kie said annoyed

"Kie, we're not involving her" John B said rolling his eyes "It's just a business meeting thing" JJ made a sexual joke beside me about John B getting a blow job, making me hit the back of his head while Pope just laughed at him.
"Promise me, nothing is happening between you" Kie said seriously

"Nothing is happening Kie" He said clearly lying

"Dude she's going to get inside your head, just promise me nothing's happening between you guys" Kie said not buying it the first time

"I promise" John B said lying again

"That was really believable" JJ said sarcastically

"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" John B asked me

"Trust me John B, you don't want to hear what I have to say to you right now" I said looking at my brother, who could tell by the look on my face that he needed to drop this conversation.

"Kiara, holding onto your grudge is like drinking poison and thinking Sarah will die" Pope said to Kie who was leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Why do girls hold grudges so much?" JJ asked us

"Because otherwise you give second chances to people who don't deserve it" I said to JJ

"Oh mama's mad" JJ said looking at Pope

"Yeah i'm mad JJ, John B is being an idiot and you knew about Sarah and didn't tell me" I yelled at him, making him put his hand up in defence

"I'm sorry, it's not you i'm mad at" I said apologising and moving to sit between his legs

"I know, and it's fine, you can take it out on me. Just means I get make up sex later" JJ smirked

"Ew gross guys" Kie said

"Hey shut up" I said

"I was kidding" JJ said before I put my hand over his mouth

"JJ shut up" I said listening again "Do you guys hear that?" I could hear someone yelling out for help.

"I heard it, what the hell" Kie said as we all got out of the van and ran towards the voice. I don't know what I was expecting to see but it definitely wasn't John B lying completely motionless on the floor.

"What the hell did you do?" I said yelling at Sarah

"It wasn't me, Topper pushed him" Sarah said crying into John B's shirt

Pope ran off to go and get help and JJ was trying to find Topper which left Kie and I watching Sarah cry over my brother and then kiss him.

When the ambulance arrived to take John B to the hospital they asked who was coming with them.

"I'll go" Sarah said, still holding John B's hand, making all of the pogues look over at me.

"How about I go, since I am his sister" I said looking at Sarah

"Okay sister, lets go" The paramedic motioned for me to get in the ambulance, Sarah was crying even more now she wasn't with John B but I saw Pope go over to her and offer her a ride to the hospital.

I finally fell asleep in the very uncomfortable hospital chair in the corner of John B's room. I woke up after hearing John B's voice, but he was talking to Sarah.

"Where am I?" He asked looking around

"St. Olives, you fell from the Hawk's Nest. You have a concussion and a broken wrist"

"Wait where's Savannah, I need to get out of here. DCS will find us" He said, sounding worried.

"I'm here JB" I said going over to the other side of the bed and hugging him "Don't worry about DCS we will work it out, all that matters is you are okay"

"Kids" I heard a male voice say, Ward Cameron.

"Sarah told me everything, about your little adventure, about you running from DCS" Then he looked just to John B "About you protecting her in the tower. John I believe I owe you an apology. You were honest with me about a small indiscretion and I went ahead and fired you anyway. Unfortunately from time to time, I have a small fuse" Which made Sarah laugh and nod.

"I'd like to make up for it, if you'll let me. I spoke with Sheriff Peterkin and I've offered to be your legal guardian, if you'll both have me" He said looking at John B and I

"What?" We both said at the same time

"It would mean a roof over your head and no more running from the DCS" He smiled at us

No way would I go and live at the Cameron house with Sarah and Rafe and no way would John B. Then again, the way he's looking at Sarah right now I think he would love to be under the same roof as her.

"Sure" I hear John B say, making me look at him confused

"No" I said bluntly making everyone look at me

"I am not going to live on the Figure Eight in your massive mansion. I am not living with Rafe or you" I said pointing at Sarah "No way, not happening"

"It'll just be on paper Savannah, I'm not going to be your dad in any way" Ward said looking at me.

"Sav, it means we get to stay here, together" John B said grabbing my hand

"You can come and go as you please, I won't stop you from seeing your friends" Ward said

John B was looking at me with pleading eyes "Fine, but you're telling Kie" I said looking at John B.

"Welcome to the family" Ward said to us, making me cringe a little.

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