Chapter 21.

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When we got to Tannyhill, Ward showed John B and I to our rooms and gave us a little space to settle in. I didn't even want to unpack because I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be at home with John B and JJ. I wonder where JJ is right now, is he at the Chateau waiting for us to come home?

I grabbed my bag to leave and find my friends when I turned around to see Sarah standing in my doorway.

"Savannah, can we talk?" She asked like she was nervous

"I guess" I said back to her

"John B cares more about you than anyone else and I care about him. Your opinion means everything to him and I would really like if we could be friends" She said with a shy smile

"Friends?" I asked, raising my eyebrow, is she serious?

"Friendly, at least" She asked trying again

"I won't be friends with you Sarah Cameron. You may have my brother wrapped around your finger but you're a kook. I don't trust kooks" I said, pushing past her and walking out of the house and straight to the Wreck where I knew my friends were waiting.

"I'm letting you know now that I'm not doing anything with Sarah" I heard Kie say as I was walking in, John B beat me here obviously because he had the van and I was walking, regretting that choice now.

"Do you guys see her here?" John B asked the group

"No, but I do see a sweaty Savannah" Pope said pointing in my direction as I walked up to the group, John B put his face in his hands like he was relieved to see me and JJ just came over and hugged me, giving me a quick kiss.

"Pope is right, you are sweaty" JJ said pulling back from me

"Savannah, Jesus christ. Where did you go? Sarah said you snapped at her and stormed out. I tried looking for you but couldn't find you" John B said to me

"Yeah that's pretty much what happened, Sarah pissed me off and I left. I walked here" I said, taking JJ's soda from his hands and drinking it.

"Hey, that's mine" JJ said pouting

"You can't share with me?" I asked him

"Girl germs" He said laughing

"I think you have all of my girl germs already JJ" I laughed back kissing his cheek

"Okay focus guys, we have the map right" John B said making me look at what was on the table

"It's out of whack because the guy was ganja'd when he drew it" JJ said making Kie pull a face at him

"It's because the coast has changed" She said to JJ making me laugh at the face he pulled.

"So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed" Pope said

"What about the old forts?" I said looking at the map

"Battery Jasper" Kie said knowing where I meant.

We all got in the Twinkie and drove to Battery Jasper, it was one of my favourite places. The view over the island was beautiful, we all stood around the rocks trying to work out our bearings.

"So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here" Pope said looking at the map

"Somewhere there" Kie said pointing out into the distance, I stood on the rocks to make myself taller to see better but JJ was quick to grab my waist

"You will fall" He said protectively

"Just catch me" I said laughing at him

"Guys, that's not Tannyhill, thats a subdivision" I said to my friends

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