The Multiverse Theater

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It was like every other day in UA, Bakugou being Bakugou, Midoriya muttering, Todoroki writing a Theory on how Momo must be related to Santa and Izuku being All Might's Secret Love Child and so on, then suddenly a Light engulfed them all and they landed in a Theater looking place, knocked out. Ofcourse they aren't the only ones there other People where there too, including:

1-B, a few Pro's, the LoV, Stain, Eri and Kota, Mitsuki Bakugou, Rei Todoroki and Inko Midoriya, also few other Characters. (Apologize from now because i don't know, remember or care about a lot of the characters so i might not let them speak because no Name since i don't know or care about them)

They slowly started to wake up and looked around a few Panicking and others getting ready to Fight.


"As if we would know Brat, YOU HEROES BROUGHT US HERE" Crusty McCrust said and yelled

They tried activating their Quirks, Keyword TRIED, but were shocked their Quirks weren't Working.


"Who are you and what are we doing here?" the Teacher of 1A asked while preparing to fight

"Me? I am the God you people pray to" God said, revealing what he looks like

"Me? I am the God you people pray to" God said, revealing what he looks like

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(Ignore the Army and the Red parts are Purple with Red glowing Eyes)

"HELL IF I BELIEVE YOU ARE A GOD, YOU EXTRA" Bakugou yelled and attacked G. but was casually slapped to the Wall on his Left

"Sorry about that but i don't like being Disrespected in my own Home" G. said calmly

"As for the 2nd Question Mr Aizawa you are here to react to the Multiverse mostly following a so called Protagonist, the Nexus Point" G. said, with everyone yelling that it's them

"QUIET" G. Boomed, shocking everyone and waking up the little Children who looked panicked, Kota ran to the WWP and Eri ran towards Inko, both get filled in on what's happening

"Ok so if you need anything in terms of Drinks or Food just imagine it and it appears, also Panik/Children Room are on the Left, on the Right is the WC don't worry about Pervs or anything" G. said and then walked up to Eri, who looked scared and hid behind Inko. "Don't worry Little One, i won't Hurt you" G. said and gave her a little Plush of Deku in his Hero Costume (Gamma Costume) with a little Eri Plush holding hands as they are sewed together. This made her Smile and her eyes had Stars in them

"Thank you Mister God" she said while looking Happy and smiling really Bright and also Hugging G. which shocked him but wasn't seen thanks to the Mask/Helmet

"Ok so who is ready for the Multiverse?" G. said as everyone screamed "YEAAAH" "Oh and also Izuku Midoriya is the Protag most of the Time" G. said which pissed of Bakugou but he kept Quiet. "Mr Deku?" Eri asked. "Yes Little One" G. said as the Screen flickers on.

Ok so this is how it all starts now then y'all can suggest Shows/Anime/Cartoons and if i know them i might do them also you guys can suggest Ships (Main will be IzuMomo) also i might try writing Lemon scenes, ofcourse everyone can watch (except the 2 Children) but most of the Student will watch because "EDUCATION" no i won't do Memes unless i'm bored also if i don't get the Characters right tell me and thank you till the Multiverse starts Bye
Just because i forgot to mention but all Rights belong to their respective owners

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