Mini-Universe 11: Corruption

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"Are you all ok?" Eri asked, but no one knew, as she wore a similar Armor and Helmet/Mask like G, making them all confused

"G?" Izuku asked, as she giggled

"No, I'm ... E" she answered to Hide her Identity

"Oh, yes I think we are .... I never" Izuku started

"I never thought the Death of a Ship can make any of us Cry" Katsuki said, finishin Izuku's sentence

"Ok, my Father will not be here for this Universe, as he can't bear it" E said, as she looked at the Description of the Universe

'I can't bear this either, poor Dad' she thought, as everyone sat down, the Villains appearing too again



"Interesting Title" Mina said, as she sat next to Izuku, after Momo sat on his Other side

The Screen then starts with Shigaraki in cuffs, sitting infront of Aizawa, while Shigaraki smiled

It then switched over to Izuku landing in a destroyed Mustafu, with Momo's dead Body in his Arms

"You took his Wife, you took his Unborn Child and you took his City, Why?" Aizawa asked, looking Mad

"What does that mean?" Izuku asks, as he was looking like he was mixed with Anger and Saddness, as Momo hugged his Arm, while Eri pushed herself closer to him, already having tears again

".... Shigaraki and Aizawa are Arch- Nemesises and he had planted a Powerful Bomb in Mustafu, the Trigger being on Momo's Heart, when it stopped beating, the Bomb exploded, killing a lot of People, Inko and Eri, who were both shopping at the Time" E says, as Shigaraki starts smiling, meanwhile the Past OFA Users are watching from the Shadows, while Toshinori was Angry, like ANGRY ANGRY

"After all these years Eraser, you really need Reasons from me?" Shigaraki said, as he looked at Aizawa with a creepy Grin, meanwhile the Screen showed how Izuku went down on his Knees, touching Momo's Stomach, feeling his Childs Death, sensing most people he cared about being Dead, then Katsuki came and grabbed his Shoulder, looking Sympathetic

Izuku then gave Momo's Body to Katsuki, before he Powered Up into Full Cowl and jumped, a Number behind him stating, that he was using 79%

"This has always been about us. Why do this to Him?" Aizawa asked, getting really close to Shigaraki's Face

"Because, whenever You and I play, I Lose" he said, standing up and walking over to the Mirror/Window

"So, I thought I tried to Play the Game on Easy Mode for once and it was as Easy as beating a Puppy to Death ... with a Kitten" he said, turning around, laughing like a Maniac and walking back to his Spot, just then Izuku busted through the Wall, his Eyes glowing Red, as the Glow slowly stopped and his Usual Green Eyes being Red in Color, as he looked Pissed

"HAHAHAHA OFCOURSE IT WOULD BE THAT EASY" Shigaraki yelled, as Izuku gritted his Teeth, subconsciously activating Full Cowl at 20%

Just then as Slowly as everything became slower, Shigaraki looked at Izuku, who looked pissed at him, as Aizawa looked shocked and surprised

"HHRRAAAHHH" Izuku yelled, as he Punched right through Shigaraki's Chest, killing him

"Okay. Now that is a PUNCHline" he said, as he laughed

"I know this might be a bit too soon, but do you think you will ever Love again? Maybe you won't Kill your Next Family so easily" he said, as Izuku yelled and ripped him into 2, just then Izuku's eyes turned back to Green, as he lost his Anger and started to cry
The Screen then turned Black

"BULLSHIT I WON'T DIE SO EASILY" Shigaraki yelled, meanwhile a lot of People were shocked at Izuku killing and Killing in 1 Punch too

"SHUT UP" Izuku yelled, as he jumped over to Shigaraki, wanting to Kill him, just so E came in and knocked him out

'What was that?' Shigaraki thought, as he felt Fear

"Ok so to put it simply, Shigaraki wanted to Break Aizawa for a long time, never making him Snap and kill him, but to prove a Point he "played" on "Easy Mode", because Izuku is more Human, having Attachments, Shigaraki used that, so he can show that even the Most Heroic can be Corrupted, by 1 Bad Day" E said, as she closed her Eyes

"After this, Technically, Shigaraki Won, he turned the Greatest Hero of them All into a Villain worse then him, Izuku realized that putting Criminals and Villains into Jail, doesn't change anything, so he chose to Execute them, warning the World, if he notices anything Criminal or even War, he will stop it himself" E said, as everyone looked shocked

"After a year or 2, Izuku made a New Government, Ruling the Planet with a Iron Fist, being completly driven to the Corruption" she said, as everyone looked at their Hands, thinking about how easy it would be to Corrupt them that way

"Aizawa and a few other Heroes, oppose him and the Heroes that joined him, including Bakugou" E said, as Aizawa simply looked angry

'I will need to train them Mentally and make sure they won't Corrupt like that, I will not Risk anything' he thought, as he looked at his Fists, clenching his Pants

"Hey Shota, it's ok, you are a Good Teacher" Emi said, as she hugged Aizawa

"..." Aizawa simply sccepted it, as a few tears left his Eyes, rolling down his Face

'I will make sure, that Problem Child won't be Corrupted, if his Destiny it is to become Number 1 and become Hope for Humanity, then I will Help him' he thought, making a Mental Promise to Train the entire Class

End of U11

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