Universe 2: Superstar

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"Ok let's start the next Universe" G said, while everyone got ready for what they were gonna witness

"Anything we need to know about this Universe?" Nezu asked (totally didn't forget him) looking at the Screen

"Let me check" G said


"Superstar? Does this mean Izuku is a Famous Actor or Singer or something?" Jirou asked no one in particular

"Ok so in this Universe the Villains beat a lot of Heroes and took over most of the World" G said shocking a lot of People

"BUT HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO DO THAT" All Might asked in utter disbelieve

"Don't know i don't watch every Single Universe" G stated

"But what about the Superstar thing then, Ribbit" asked Tsuyu with a finger on her chin

"Oh that is just something Izuku calls Eri, like a Nickname of sorts" G said calmly smiling under his Mask/Helmet

"Ok then please start the Universe G" Mirio said

We start by seeing a Forest and a pair of Legs walking, with another pair walking slightly faster and a 3rd pair limping

The Screen then showes their faces, showing a slightly Bloody and Bruised Bakugou, Eri with a few Scratches and a Bruised and Bloody Izuku who looks more damaged then Bakugou

"Come on Nerd" Bakugou said Calmly while still walking

"Come on Papa we're almost there, almost with Mama" Eri said with a Smile looking at her Papa while still walking

"Yeah" Izuku said while Panting hard being exhausted but then he stopped with wide eyes as he heard a sound no he heard the sound of Running by 10, no 15 people most likely Villains, tho they are far away

"Kaachan take Eri and start running" Izuku commanded, as Bakugou looked at him realizing why he said that

"Papa come on we almost made it hurry" Eri said slightly looking worried

"Sorry Eri but i won't be able to come with you 2. I want you to look after your Mom for me" Izuku said calmly while Tears began to form on Eri's Eyes

"Wait why Papa come on we can make it" Eri said

"Eri you came a long way from the Shy, Scared little Girl you were back when we rescued you" Izuku said as he started hugging her and continued "Way to Go Superstar"

(Basically this but with the Scenario i wrote and that Izuku says it to Eri)

Everyone in the Theater (besides Villains, G, Endeavor and Bakugou) started to tear up, with Eri starting to Cry and Momo (who had woken up in between Universe 1 and 2) started tearing up and hugging her

Izuku with a smile then hit Eri on the Neck Pressure Point, knocking her out

"Please train her, i gave IT to her this Morning, please take care of her Kaachan" Izuku said while turning around after handing Eri over to Bakugou

"Sure thing Deku" he said knowing what Izuku meant by IT but started running with Eri in his Arms

Izuku looked back at them 1 last time with a Smile before Powering Up into Full Cowl at 20% and rushing where the Villains are going to come from
With that the Screen turns Black

"Wait what happened?" asked Mina with tears streaming down her Face

"... Izuku did the Most Heroic thing a Hero can do" is all G said as the Pro's understood

"Damn Problem Child" murmured Aizawa with small tears of his own

"Young Midoriya" is all that AM whispered while holding his Fist with his other hand

"Come on Inko wake up, it's Over Izuku is fine, he is fine, he is OK" Mitsuki said while holding a Passed out Inko

The Villains were just Smiling while Toga was drinking Izuku's Blood from a bottle, because she wanted it

"Damn Nerd" said Bakugou while holding back small tears himself now

"Midobro" Kirishima said while looking shattered

"Izubro" Denki murmured (yes i believe Izuku and Denki could be Great Friends) while looking sad and felt hopeless not being able to help his Friend

To be Continued...

Sorry if some of these will be Short but that's because while i know how i want some stories i can't really think of how to write them that properly because there is no Basis that i can look and copy from like say TV-Shows compared to pure Originality
So if these are short just know they are Originals and if they are really long then well i will most likely already spoil the Show name in the Title so yeah until next time

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