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Expect a lot of Time-Skips, they will still see the stuff but well theoratically Off-Screen i guess


"I actually like Brenzino" Izuku said, as Inko smiled, knowing he has no Idea what that is, me neither

The Screen switches to another Scene, with Yagi knocked out on his Table, slowly waking up in the Dark Room and looking around as he slowly stood up, hitting the Table with his Right arm, realizing this, he slowly looks at his New Arm, thst is in a Coocon type thing

This shocked the Theater, since they didn't think it would work

Yagi slowly pits the New Arm on the Table and examines it, touching it with his Left Fingers, and slowly ripping it open, as he looks in shock at his new Fingers, that poke out now

He rips everything off of his New Arm and looks at the Slimy Arm, looking like he witnessed a Beautiful Miracle, moving his Fingers and being amazed

"Wow All Might your Arm is back" Izuku says with a smile, as he subconsciously hugs Momo and Eri

"Yes, Young Midoriya, and it's all thanks to you and your Father" Small Might said happy

Yagi even moves his Hand and touches the Lightbulb, burning his Hand a bit, looking happy after retracting his Arm, even laughing a bit

"Anna, it's Toshinori, is he there?" Yagi asks, as he is seen to be on the Phone, still looking at his New Arm, where he moves his Fingers

"I'm Afraid not Doctor, the Car is taking him to the Veterans Hospital in Brooklyn" the voice on the Phone says, Yagi looking slightly shocked and away from his New Arm

"Nononono, he can't, I'ma he ah eh he ah, you have to Stop him, he he argh" Yagi says turning to his Left and looking out the Window before his Head seems to be in Pain as he grabs his Head with his New Fingers holding it

"Revelery in the Dark" Tokoyami says, making a lot of the People in the Theater look slightly worried at the alternate AM

"I would but I always Lose him when he's on the Bridge, I'll make sure to tell him you leave a Message as quick as Possible" she says, before the screen shifts to Yagi being in Pain and holding onto his Table, but falling backwards and pulling the stuff off the Table with him, while Grunting in Pain

Scene Changes to Yagi now in a Coat, getting in a Cab/Taxi (or whatever), wanting to open the door with his Right, but not doing so, and opening it with his Left and even closing it when he gets in

The Screen shows, the Taxi/Cab driver looking into his Mirror, to see Yagi who makes noises to show he's in Pain

"I wanna go through the Avenue, across the River ... I'm in a Hurry" Yagi says, while Breathing heavily, with the screen changing to show Yagi looking at his Right arm

"Ok, you want me to take Tunnel or the Bridge?" The Driver asks

"Bridge, take the Bridge" Yagi says, as he looks at his Hand slowly morhping

"Alright, alright, I'll do that, hey man you alright back there?" the Driver asks, as he looks back at Yagi after he grunted

"Just DRIVE" Yagi says in a threatening tone, as his Body grows scales and he takes off his Glasses, making the Driver look back to the Front and Drive after a O.K

"Uh Oh" Izuku says, with Eri hugging him tight, being slightly scared, Kota came over too but atayed quiet and hugged him too, with Izuku covering them to his Best Ability

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