Mini-Universe 13: Angry Izuku (Finale)

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"Oh" E said, as she was worried

G then came back, as most welcomed him, after having returned, ofcourse once E showed the Universe, even he got Scared, making a lot of people worry

"Ok Guys, this will be the Last Universe, then I will have to send you guys Back, oh and Izuku, your Powers, next time ok?" G asked, as Izuku nodded

"Wait, what about that Future Eijiro and Time Travel Universe, I thought you were gonna show us that" Nejire asked, as she started floating around the room

"Like I said, next Time, for me a good portion of Time will be gone, for you guys mostly just a few Months, anyways let's start" G said, as everyone looked forward

Angry Izuku

"Why do I feel scared?" Denka asked, as most just nodded

The Screen then turned on with Class 1-A being Kidnapped by the LOV

"Damn it" Aizawa said, as Izuku was the only one who is asleep

Meanwhile the Villains were Laughing, thinking that they Won

"Wait, you guys didn't Kidnap the Nerd?" Bakugou asked, as he looked around, noticing Momo

"Oh but you got his Girl? Welp, now I feel bad for you" he saod, as the rest slowly woke up, the LOV being confused

So was everyone in the Theater, meanwhile E and G were panicking, worrying everyone a great lot

"What do you mean, what can 1 Child d..." Shigaraki started, but was interrupted, as the Wall was broken through, with a Angry looking Izuku

"DEKU, THEY KIDNAPPED YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND US" Bakugou yelled, as everyone was awake and panicking

"Oh by the way, these are multiple Moments from this Universe" G added, as he was covering himself with a Blanket, E sitting next to Him

Izuku then slowly lifted a Belt, wearing the UA Gym-Outfit, as he started spinning the Belt, as he then hit Dabi in the Face with it, knocking him out Clean, the Rest of the LOV looking at this with Wide Eyes, as they see Dabi being Face down on the Ground, his body being in a Pose that makes you worry if he should see a Doctor

"Huh?" The Theater was confused, meanwhile Eri was asleep on Inko's Lap

"HEHEHAHAHAHA" Bakugou laughed, as Izuku turned to him

"Why are you Laughing, YOU ARE THE REASON THEY KIDNAPPED MOMO AND YOU GUYS" Izuku yelled, as he span the Belt again, Hitting and KO'ing Bakugou, as one could see he was out COLD

"Now to you" he said, turning back to the LOV, as he spinned the Belt and hit them all, before grabbing all of 1A and the knocked out Bakugou, lifting thwm and carrying them home

"What was that?" Aizawa asked, looking confused? Angry? Scared? Congred?

"Uhm? Next" G and E said, as the Screen continued

Izuku went into the Living Room, as he brought a English Book and gave it to Denki

"Now turn to Page 4 and let's start" Izuku said, as Denki just looked confused at the Book

"What, what's wrong?" Izuku asked, as Denki looked at him

"What Page is Page 4?" He asked, as Izuku closed his Eyes, gritted his Teeth and looked away, slowly pulling up the Belt, as the other start praying for him

"Gggghhh, why are you SO STUPID" Izuku yelled, as he started hitting Denki and kept hitting him, as a lot of Sounds were heard

Meanwhile in the Theater, everyone was scared

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