Universe 5: Spider-Man Edge of Time

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It's been a few Hours since the last Universe and G, well he showed Izuku the other 3 Universes with the 3rd One almost stopping his Heart

When the 2 came back Izuku looked towards Momo and blushed, which Momo noticed because she was looking at Izuku when he and G came back and well she blushed too

"Papa, look" Eri said as she walked over to her Papa who stopped blushing and looked at his Daughter (he accepted the facts) and started smiling as she wore this

"Papa, look" Eri said as she walked over to her Papa who stopped blushing and looked at his Daughter (he accepted the facts) and started smiling as she wore this

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(Whoever drew this you have my Respect)

"You know what Papa?" Eri asked Izuku who just tilted his head

"I wanna be a Hero just like you when i grow up" she said with a Big Smile and that made Izuku tear up a bit but because he was happy not sad

"Way to Go Superstar" Izuku said, reminding alot of people of U2 on accident even Eri who stopped smiling and looked at her Papa and then started crying and hugging him, telling him "Please don't Go, Please i promise to be good, Please don't go" as he realized what he did and just hugged the little girl until she fell asleep in his Arms



This confused them slightly

"So he has a Spider-Quirk?" Sero asks

"No again no Quirks, he was bitten by a Genetically altered Spider that was already made of a mix of 13 Spiders, being that the Alteration happened thanks to being Radioactive" G said making them go "Oooooohh" as G then send the Info of his Abilities to their Brains

"Wow so he built his Web-Shooters and that Spider-Sebse seems OP" Mina said excited

"Oh also there are 2 of them 1 being the Present/Past version aka Izuku Midoriya and the Future version which is Katsuki Bakugou

"HEH FINALLY I'M HERE TOO" Bakugou yelled Excited

"They are also in each others Timelines because Bakugou had to save Midoriya from dying" G says

"MY BABY WAS ABOUT TO DIE?!" Inko panicked as Izuku calmed her down

"Well technically he did Die but Bakugou managed to ressurect him and restore his Powers back to Max" G stated, shocking the others

The Screen starts by showing a Futuristic Room with Izuku in the Middle with Holographic screens floating around him in a Circle

"Ok, I'm here so how do I access it?" Izuku asks Katsuki via their Mind Connection

"Enter my Password: LYLA, L-Y-L-A" Katsuki says as the screen shows their 2 Masked faces (they will be wearing the actual Classic and 2099 outfit because it makes more sense) with something in the middle of the Screen that shows that they aren't in the same room/Time, while Katsuki was doing stuff as Izuku enters the Password

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