End of the Multiversal Theater

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I decided against Writing Universe 9, as it would take too Long

G and E looked at everyone, as they all stood up, now Izuku having his Girls and his Daughter, also having the Blessings of the Parents, the Parents and Villains were teleported back first, then slowly the Students and Teachers, before the Pro Heroes and the extra Guests

Leaving Momo, Eri and Izuku last

"Ok you 3, take care and I'm gonna Give you the Dadoriya Powers" G said, as E excused herself, taking care of everything, as G fist-bumped with Izuku

Meanwhile Izuku knew, he was gonna have Fun with his 1 New Power

Eri and Momo had vanished, as Izuku smiled at G

"Thanks other Me, we needed these" he said, as he vanished, after G took of his Helmet and smiled at him, before leaving the Theater, as he put the Helmet back on, Eri then shutting down everything, as the Lights tuen off and everything turns dark, the 2 then leaving the Theater, locking it up and thus Concluding this Long Story

But just because this Ends, doesn't mean it wasn't Enjoyable (remember all your Favirute Moments from the Universes and Mini-Universes, with enough Imagination you will see them actaully animated in your Mind)

This isn't a Goodbye either, just a See you Later

Hahahaha we had so much Fun right? But this is not the End of Izuku's Story, just the Beginning, so don't be Sad, this will Simply Continue in another Life

For now, Our Adventures are Over, but Izuku's is still going, as it always was, Life is a permanent New Beginning, so we might see Izuku and the Gang soon again, for now we say Goodbye and See you Later, until we meet Again

"Bye everyone": Eri (E)

"See y'all again": Izuku (G)

"Until we meet again": Author

Thank you all for Reading this and Giving so many, I guess Likes or rather Votes, I really appreciate you all for reading this Story and I hope I can keep entertaining you guys with my Other Stories and maybe with a Continuation?

"Papa hurry" Eri said, as she pulled Izuku, towards the others, as a Camera was infront of them, but Izuku looked into the Sky for a Moment

"Thank you" Izuku said, as he looked at you, the Reader, smiling at you and hiving you a Thumbs up, before walking over towards his Friends and Family, holding Eri in his Arms, as everyone Smiled at the Camera

Why you still reading, it's Over

MHAverse II coming soon.....

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