Mini-Universe 12: Rude

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"Ok so is everyone calm and ready?" E asked, as everyone nodded, even Izuku

"So what is this one about?" Katsuki asked

"Ok, it's about Izuku wanting to Marry Momo, but her Father saying otherwise" E said, as they looked surprised

"DAMN RIGHT, AIN'T HE GON MARRY MY ANGEL, UNLESS I SAY SO" Mr. Yaoyorozu yelled, as Izuku sweated nervously


"Interesting" Mina said, as Jirou nodded

"Oh you see, this version plays a Song, but with the Scenes of Izuku and such happening" E explained, as everyone nodded

The Screen turned on, as Izuku was waking up, next to a Alarm-Clock, that says that it's Saturday and it's 10:00 in the Morning

"Saturday mornin, jumped outta Bed and put on my Best Suit" the Lyrics below sang, as Izuku actually Jumped out of Bed, getting fresh and putting on his Best Suit

"Got in my Car and raced like a Jet, all the way to you" it sang, as Izuku jumped into the same Car he used in the Mechanic Universe

"He is getting ready to ask" E said, before anyone could ask what he's gonna do

"Knocked on the Door, with Heart in my Hand, to ask you a Question, cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man, yeah" it sang, as Izuku knocked on the Door and Mr. Yaoyorozu opening the Door

"Can I have your Daughter for the Rest of my Life? Say yes, say yes, cause I need to know" Izuku sang along the song, as he looked confident, but then Mr. Yaoyorozu spoke, or atleast the Screen showed him saying something, but the song, "talked"

"You say, I'll never get your Blessin till the day I die, tough luck my Friend but the Answer is No!" the lyrics said, as Mr. Yaoyorozu slammed the Door shut into Izuku's Face, as Momo just ran to her Room, with Izuku looking surprised

"HAH, TOLD YOU" Mr. Yaoyorozu yelled, as Ms. Yaoyorozu calmed him down

"Why you gotta be so Ru-u-ude? Don't you know I'm Human too? Why you gotta be so Rude, I'm gonna Marry her anyways" the lyrics sang, as Izuku threw a few small pieces of Rock at Momo's Window, with her opening it and then jumping into his Arms, smiling, as he kisses her

"WHY YOU" Mr. Yaoyorozu yelled, as he pulled a Shit-Gun out of thin Air, GTA style, literally, so E stopped him in Time, but leaving him Conscious, so he can hear and see the rest

"Marry that Girl, Marry her anyways, Marry that Girl, yeah, no matter what you say, Marry that Girl, and we'll be a Family, why you gotta be so RUUUUUUUUDDDE?" the lyrics continued, as Izuku and Momo drove off in his Car, towards the Church

"I hate to do this, you leave no choice, can't live without her, love me or hate me, we'll be both standin at that Altar" it sang, as Izuku was at the Altar with Momo, as the Priest said his Lines and both said their Vows, with Mr. Yaoyorozu storming in

"Or we will run away to another galaxy, you know, you know she's in Love with me, she will go anywhere I go" it sang, as Izuku and Momo were shown to be everywhere together, before it cut back to Izuku standing infront of Momo, keeping Mr. Yaoyorozu from grabbing her

"Can I have your Daughter for the Rest of my Life? Say yes, say yes, cause I need to know" the lyrics then suddenly stopped alongside the Music

"Are you sure you want to Marry her? Always be by Her side and be Loyal?" Mr. Yaoyorozu asked, as Izuku simply smiled

"Until my Last Breath" he said, as Mr. Yaoyorozu then started smiling

"Heh, then you have my Blessings" he said, as everyone was there, everyone they knew, cheering, as Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorozu Midoriya got Married that day, then the song continued, while the Screen showed a Picture of the Future, with Izuku and Momo and 4 Children

1st Girl, Eri, 16 years old, 1 Boy, the Oldest, 12 years old, 2nd Girl, 6 years old, 3rd Girl, 2-3 years old and Momo being Pregnant of 7 Months, while all of them Smiled
As the Screen turned Black

"So?" E asked, as everyone cheered, Izuku and Momo just blushing, as they held Hands (so Lewd)

"YAY, I'LL HAVE SO MANY SIBLINGS" Eri yelled, as she jumped around, while Inko and Ms. Yaoyorozu were playing with her

Mr. Yaoyorozu then was able to walk again and he walked over to Izuku, who instantly stood up

"Are you same? Will you Protect her?" He asked, looking serious, as Momo was hoping to hear "that" answer

"Even if I Die, I will Protect her and make her Happy, no matter what, even if I have to Sacrifice most Life on the Planet, I will do so Happily for her" he said, as Momo started tearing up and hugged him, smiling, as he was surprised

"Then you have my Blessings aswell" he said, hugging the Boy, whonthanked him, then they shook Hands

The other fathers also got their Answer through this, as they knew, he would do the same for their Girls, so they all went up to him and gave him their Blessings, as Izuku was overloaded

Then they all went to the Relax room, as Eri (older one) smiled, after all of them having left, she took her Helmet off and she wiped away her Happy Tears


Hope you enjoyed this, till next time

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