Mini-Universe 10: Part 1, Going Merry

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"Hoooo, you guys sure seem Happy" G said, as everyone was Happy and smiled back at him

"We are ready for the Next Universe" Katsuki said

"Yeah, after the Last Universe, we all needed to let it out, so we did and after, we started having Fun again, enjoying our Time together, with our Parents" Izuku said, as everyone agreed

Going Merry

"Going Merry? What does that mean?" Denka asked

"Oh you see, that is a Name, first let me explain, so in this World....(One Piece World explanation)....and Going Merry, is Izuku's Boat, or well Ship" G explained, as Eri, Izuku and most of them had Stars in their Eyes

Some didn't like the fact, that they were seen as Criminals, but they couldn't do anything about it, since that is only how the World Government saw them

"So I'm a Rubber-Man? Cool" Izuku said, as Eri laughed with him

The Screen then turned on, with a Ship that has a Goat Head in the Front, being compleltly destroyed, or well someone arleast tried to repair it

"Thank you" a Voice came from the Ship, as the Storm took the Ship out to Sea

Meanwhile somewhere else a lot of Marine ships were aiming at our Heroes, while Izuku with his Straw-Hat was laying there

"Oi why is Izuku just laying there?" Katsuki asked, as Izuku and everyone looked worried

"He pushed his Body beyond his Limit and now he needs some Rest" G explained, as everyone watched

Meanwhile Bakugou was fighting with 3 Swords and just then Kaminari looked out into the Sea, tears running down his Face

'You shouldn't have'he thought, as he was on his Knees and Crying, gritting his Teeth

'You shouldn't have...!' he thought, as his Tears fell on his Fists, as he looked up with Hope and a Shine in his Eyes, as the Ocean waves were shown and a Sound was heard

"That sounds like" Izuku said, as he couldn't believe it, he had only heard this once when he was at the Beach, training for the 10 Months

"JUMP INTO THE OCEAN!" Kaminari yelled, as the screen Howed him yelling into the Air, while in the Background foghts were happening

"Four Seconds" was said, as the Canons aimed at Izuku

"TO THE OCEAN!" Kaminari yelled again

"Denki" Bakugou said, as he looked over

"Momo, can you get Izuku into the Ocean?" Kaminari asked, looking over

"Leave it to me" she said, looking over her shoulder at him

"Idiot, you trying to kill yourself?!" Bakugou said, blocking a sword and hitting the Marine Soldier

"Yeah, what he said" Katsuki said, as Izuku simply smiled, everyone looked at him, being confused, as Eri started smiling too, both believing in the Other Izuku and Crew

"There's no way that'll help anything!" He said, as Three was said in the Background

"We'll be okay. He came to Save us!" Kaminari said, as he got up and grabbed Katsuki by the Collar of his Jacket

"We still have another Nakama!" Kaminati said, as Bakugou looked with a face that says "Dude, too close", meanwhile the countdown was on Two

"Chopper, did you see?" Kendo asked, as in the background was Sato, while she turned over to Chopper (Chopper stays, Chopper)

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