Universe 6: TMNT 2003 S1E1

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"Alright is everyone ready now?" G asked and got a few Nods

"Ok so here in this Universe 4 of you are the Main Characters and you 4 are Turtles" G said nonchalantly

"Huh" was all that everyone could say while Eri looked confused at her Papa

"Just watch and please keep the talking to a Minimum" G just said as everyone turned towards the Giant Screen


They all looked towards G demanding Answers

"It stands for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, basically Mutant Turtles that are Teenagers and are trained to be Ninja's" G stated

"Oh" is all that was heard

The Screen starts by showing New York at Night being as Lively as ever with the Full Moon shining in the background

"Ah so the 4 Protagonists live in New York" All Might stated looking amazed at how Beautiful New York was since it's been a while since he was back there

The Screen Zooms across the City, while a Chill Music was playing in the background, as the Screen changes from Bird POV to from the Streets POV one can hear Car Honks

The Screen Zooms towards the Gully (i don't know what those are called this is what i remember and we are at 10 seconds in the video) as then the Screen changes

"Remember, to be a True Ninja, you must become 1 with the Shadows" a Voice says while the screen shows the path down the gully and then shows the inside with all the trash and disgusting water flowing

"Darkness gives the Ninja Power" the Voice says as the Screen zooms towards a wall with Bricks

"Interesting Quote but who is saying that?" Hagakure asks

"While Light reveals the Ninja's Presence" the voice says as the Screen shows a Candle and then zooms out revealing a more Rat-like looking

"PRINCIPAL NEZU?!" The Audience screams

"Well well well would you look at that I am here too" Nezu says while drinking his Tea......where did he even get that from? Only G and Nezu know

"Now, can you extuingish this Flame, without revealing yourselfes?" Nezu asks while being in that one sitting Pose that i can't name or explain, holding a stick that holds the Candle, as he throws the candle slightly in the air and catching it and holding his stick with his other hand

"Haaa" is heard as a Turtle looking creature came from Nezu's Right, while Nezu lowered his hand with the candle while having his eyes closed

"Too Noisy, Tenya" Nezu says as he smiles opening his eyes, while Tenya crashes against a wall and lays there

"So lida is 1 of the 4 Turtles?" Izuku asks

"Yes" G answers

"I'm glad that I am also shown in these" lida says doing his robo hands

As the screen shows another Turtle with Nunchucks coming in and jumping at Nezu, while Nezu just stands up and throws that Turtle towards Tenya

"Too Clumsy, Denki" Nezu says while again closing his Eyes and sitting, as another Turtle sneaks up from behind

"YAY I'M HERE TOO" Kaminari screams as he gets stabbed by Jirou's Earphone Jack's

"Bro that 3rd Turtle is so unmanly sneaking up like that" Kirishima says

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