Filler Universe 1: Darling Darling

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This will be just because why defaq not and because i found this in a old Playlist on YouTube .... how it got there no Idea but hey All Rights belong to their Respective Owners
Do watch it on YouTube just to get a better understanding and please don't hate on me i just thought this would be Funny also just the 1st Part ignore the Rest thank you also i have nothing to do with that Channel don't worry

"So what are we gonna see now?" Izuku wondered while everyone looked at him at first then towards the Screen

"Hey G?" Aizawa started but looked around and noticed G wasn't there

"Huh" Mic said

The Screen then turned on

Darling Darling

"I don't get it" Izuku simply said

"Ofcourse you don't ... I don't either but still F*** You" Bakugou said as the Fuck was censored with a Beep sound

".... not gonna Question that" Bakugou simply said

The Screen turns on showing Izuku not being able to Sleep and lying next to Mandalay out of her Hero Outfit, with a Thought Bubble showing Pizza

This makes Izuku Blush in Embarrassment for both the Pizza and Mandalay while Mandalay Blushes because of Izuku

Izuku then checks if Mandalay is Awake by waving his Hand infront of her face, while Music slowly starts in the Background

Izuku is then seen slowly and quietly sneaking out the Room, with the next sceene showing him taking a Slice out of a Hot Pizza that is THICC

"Damn that some THICC Pizza" Denki says shocked and Hungry as everyone that was Hungry got a THICC slice of Pizza on a Plate, also All Might was Healed by G so he looked more like he did when he was at his Prime .... before the Acid Face thing so his Eyes are also normal as is his Muscle Mass

As Izuku takes a Bite out of the Pizza the Lights in the Kitchen turn on and he turns around

"Darling Darling" Mandalay starts singing, much to the Embarrassment of the Real Mandalay

"Yes Sweety?" Izuku sings back

"Eating Pizza?" Mandalay sings leaning on the ... things for doors but no door just wood

"No Sweety" Izuku lies ... you know like a LIAR

"MIDORIYA LYING IS NOT HEROIC" lida screams at his friend doing his Robo Arms

"You think he'll realize this isn't our Midobro?" Kirishima asks Shoto who looks confused and shakes his Head a No

While Izuku and Mandalay blushed because of the Nick-Names with the other Girls that like Izuku having a Dark aura around them

"Telling Lies?" Mandalay sings, while Izuku hides the Pizza slice with his hand on his Back

"No Sweety" Izuku sings back

"Open your Mouth" Mandalay sings with a Smile knowing the Truth

"Ha ha ha" Izuku sings/laughs/says with the Pizza being visible on his Tounge, then tacking another Slice of Pizza and offering her the Slice

Mandalay put her hand on her forehead as she started to leave but craved a Cupcake as shown by the Though Bubble

Ahe then goes to the Cupcakes and takes 1 and takes a bite out

"Sweety sweety" Izuku now starts singing

"Yes Darling?" Mandalay sings back as the screen shows Izuku with Glasses taking them off

"Eating Cupcake?" Izuku sings

"No Darling" Mandalay lies, much to the Anger of lida who shaked his Hands in Aggressive Robostyle, while the others are just confused at what they are watching

"Telling Lies?" Izuku sings with a smile

"No Darling" Mandalay sings with the Cupcake behind her back and the othwr hand infront of her mouth

"Open your Mouth" "Ha ha ha" they sing as the Cupcake bit was seen in her mouth

This time Mandalay offering Izuku a Cupcake and him taking it as they both leave the Kitchen but with Eri hiding behind the Fridge

Eri then opens the Fridge's door and takes a Apple Flavored Ice-Cream on a Stick and takes a bite while Izuku looks at her as she hides the Ice-Cream behind her back and closing the fridge door

Of course while this was happeing Eri giggled as Izuku ruffled her and Kota's Hair

"Eri Eri" Izuku sings at her now

"Yes Papa?" "Eating Ice-Cream?" "No Papa" "Telling Lies?" "No Papa" "Open your Mouth" "Ha ha ha" they sing back and forth as the Ice-Cream was seen inside Eri's Mouth, and her taunting Izuku while showing him the Ice-Cream and then running out the Room with Izuku trying to catch her as they play Eri laughs "No, No" at her Papa

Eri then walks into Izuku's arms as he Hugs her and kisses her Head

Izuku in the Theater kisses Eri's Horn as she giggles while everyone finds this little family moment adorable

The Screen then turns to Eri going to the Living room as Kota is seen Biting into a Doughnut

"Kota Kota" "Yes Eri?" "Eating Doughnut?" "No Eri" "Telling Lies?" "No Eri" "Open your Mouth" "Ha ha ha" they sang as Kota offers Eri a Doughnut but she denies and walks away now wanting a Lollipop as shown with the Thought Bubble

Kota was Red from Embarrassment, while Izuku, Eri and Mandalay giggled with a few Others at this

Eri is seen licking a Lollipop before getting caught by Kota with her face showing the realization

"Eri Eri" "Yes Kota?" "Eating Lollipop?" "No Kota" "Telling Lies?" "No Kota" "Open your Mouth" "Ha ha ha" they began to sing a last time as the Music started to calm down

Izuku and Mandalay then walk in on them yawning as they just woke up while Eri gave Kota another Lollipop and their Parents looked at them as they also get Lollipops and then all 4 Wink at the Camera
And then Screen turns Black

"Well how was it?" G asked

O one answered as they were just ... Bamboozled

"Ok time for the Next Universe then" G said getting Nods


Ok look I'm not Proud of this but hey why not also next Universe will be a Mini-Universe and this Filler-Universe will never be Mentioned

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