Mini-Universe 5: Dark Deku

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"Ok so is everyone calm again, so we can start this? Are you all relaxed enough?" G asked, as they all nodded

"I Hope this shows another Future" Izuku said, as most agreed


Inner Darkness

"Not a Good beginning" Izuku said

"YOU THINK?" Bakugou yelled, as Sero tried stopping him

The Screen Starts with Izuku breaking through a Metal Wall, and the Screen showing his ID

Name: Izuku Midoriya
Hero Name: Deku
Quirk: One for All, ???
Age: 17

"G, what is the Question Mark?" Izuku asked, not turning around

"You will see" G answered, as Izuku turned back to the Screen

Izuku then is seen, charging up into Full Cowl, his Hair going upwards, the Green parts glowing Bright, like his Eyes, as Electricity flows around him

"Below" he said, looking downwards and then Breaking through, with a Jumped Kick, basically jumping up and then kicking into the ground, going through and even to a Lower Floor

He then landed besides Crystals, which glowed in a Dark Color, radiating Negative Power

"Yikes, I'm not feeling Good around here" Izuku says, on 1 Knee, holding his Arms, after shivering

"The Pro-Hero Deku, I was looking forward to meeting you, how about you come up here and we see face to face" a Voice said, as Izuku looked around, then up to the Hole in the Ceiling, jumping up

"Who is that? A New Villain?" And other Questions were asked around in the Theater

Scene changed to Izuku landing infront of the Villain, who looks more like a Robot, sitting on a Throne, as Izuku powered down from Full Cowl

"Ah so Good that you could join me in my Command Center" he said, as Izuku was just smiling at him

"Hmmm you aren't exactly as I imagined, hard to think of you as a Great Fighter" he said

"Well what can I say, maybe later I can show you how Great a Fighter I am, but right now I wanna see my Friends" Izuku said, smiling at the Villain

"Who got caught?" Aizawa asked

"You will see" G answered, as his serious tone made most worry

"Now will you show me where they are or?" Izuku was interrupted

"Ofcourse I'll show you, infact they haven't been harmed at all" the Villain said, as he pressed a Button on his Throne, as further away from him, on the side, the ground lifted up and a Glass Cage came up, showing a knocked out Denki and a Scared Eri

"ERI, DENKI/KAMINARI?" was yelled in the Theater

"The only reason they are here, is so you would appear, you see I heard so many Stories about your Powers, that I wanted to bring you here for a few Experiments" he said

"Sorry Pal, but I'm a Hero, not a Guinea Pig" Izuku said, as he just noticed the Cage, his smile fading

"You will Cooperate, we will start by collecting Data on your Strenght and Speed" the Villain said, as Izuku slowly walked over to the Cage

"I already told you, I'm not gonna Help you" Izuku said, as the Villain, pressed another button

"Well if you refuse, then we shall Experiment on your Friends" he said, as Eri noticed Izuku

But she seemed to say something but no Voice came, not a single sound

"PAPA IT'S A TRAP" she yelled, as the screen showed her looking outside the Cage, from inside, and knocking on the Glass, crying

"What a Monster" Izuku said, as his Hair started floating upwards

"Eri, Denki" Izuku said, as he touched the Glass

"If you choose to Oppose me, then they will be Tortured to Death" the Villain said, as he chuckled, while Izuku looked like he was gonna Panic

The Screen then started to only show Izuku from the Back, as the Villain pushed a button and the Glass Cage, going back down again

On 1 Knee like before, all that came from Izuku were Angry sounds

"Now are you ready to proceed with the Experiment?" He asked, as the screen showed Izuku's back again

"I've never seen Eri so scared" he said, as the screen showed the Villain

"Well she should be" he said

"And Denki, he was passed out, what did you do to him?" Izuku asked, screen back on his Back, showing his Hair turning really Dark and his Clothes becoming Darker, a Dark Blue-ish Black Aura around him

"Huh?" was heard in the Theater, Izuku didn't care tho

"They hurt my Daughter" he said, quietly

"He tried to Escape, so we taught him a Lesson" Villain said, as the screen showed him again, before showing 2 Robots, Gold with Red Eyes and Silver with Blue Eyes

"No more wasting Time. Time to begin the Experiment, these 2 Robots were designed by me Specifically for this Occasion, Gold will test your Strenght and Silver your Speed" he said, as the screen showed the 2 before it turned to Izuku, from over his Shoulder

"These 2 have been designed with previous Data we have from earlier Battles from you, I'm eager to see if they can beat you" he said, as the Screen showed Izuku's Hand, clenching into a Fist, then back to over his shoulder view

"Alright then let's test them out" he said, after having a Evil Laugh, and looking over his Shoulder, his Face looking Evil and Dark, his Green Eyes just barely noticable

"I don't like this" Eri said, holding her Papa's arm

Izuku then vanished, as Silver seemed shocked before being proceeded to be cut multiple imes and then exploding, causing Smoke to appear, before he punched Gold multiple times, in a second, and Gold too exploding

The Screen then showed Izuku, through the Smoke, with his Eyes being Blank and everything else having turned Black, even his Skin and Hair going completly Black, his Hair spiked Up like back against Overhaul, the Aura around him even Darker and more Dangerous, but Calm

"Looks like you'll have to try again" he said, before Shigaraki appeared

"Settle down Deku" he said, as Izuku's Eyes appeared again and he looked like the previous state

"I don't think I've ever seen you this worked up before, I'm dissapointed with you" he said, as Izuku just looked at him

"It is better, if you keep your Temper in Check otherwise you will be just like another Hero we know" he said, as the Scren showed Izuku now looking down, dissapointed in himself and back to Normal

"DynaMight already saved your Friends, now get out of here" he said, as Izuku looked surprised, before he left, the screen starting to show Katsuki carrying Denki, while Eri follows him

"He owes me" Katsuki said, clearly meaning Izuku, who looked distraught, while walking out
As the Screen then turned Black

"So how was it?" G asked, as most were still in Shock

"Well do not piss off, Izuku I guess" Denka said, chuckling, as Izuku just leaned in and hugged her, making her blush

"Well he was Powerful, but it wasn't the Right way" Momo said, as Izuku just looked down

"Ok then, Next Universe" G said

To be Continued...


Wrll this was this, anyone guessing where this is from can be Happy

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