Mini-Universe 3: I'm Sorry

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Ok if this seems familiar because of anyone else having wroten something similar, or you watched a ASMR on YouTube and it feels like this is from that ... then it might be but also All Rights belong to their Respective Owners

"Ok so is everyone ready?" G asked

"Mr G, can I go back to the Play Room with the Puppies?" Eri asked

"If your Daddy allows it" G answered, with Eri wanting to ask Izuku

"Go have Fun and be Careful" Izuku said, before she could ask and planted a Kiss on her Horn, Kota also left with Eri and they played with the Puppies


I'm Sorry

"Weird Title" Mina admited, as a few looked confused

"No Quirks and just watch" G said, making a few Worry by the Tone G spoke

"THAT'S WHY YOUR MOTHER DIED" Yui Kodai yelled, before putting her hands over her Mouth and looking Sad, in Shock aka the Classic *I didn't mean that* look, at Izuku, who's Hair was covering his Eyes, with him turning around and leaving the Room

"...", everyone was in Shock and Silence, in the Theater, they didn't expect Yui to be like that, or that she was with Izuku in a Universe, the in theater Yui, was shocked and angry at her other self

"No Izu, I didn't" but before Yui could Finish, Izuku slammed the Door after leaving. Yui's eyes began to tear up as the Tears grew and grew until they started flowing, she also saw Tears flow from Izuku's Eyes

On the Outside, Izuku was going to his Car

The Theater was Shocked at his Car

Izuku got in, started the Engine and Drove away, with Yui just walking out jer Apartments Door, watching as he Leaves, in tears, mentally scolding herself

'Stupid, Stupid, why did You do that? I can't Lose him, he is all I have left' Yui thought while, getting ready to walk to Izuku's Appartment

"What does she mean?" Shoto asked, but no one knew, well except G but he was busy .... reading, yes reading


Yui used a Spare Key, whe had gotten from Izuku, to Unlock the Door and let herself in, looking around and seeing quite a Mess

'He was Mad, normally he never would do this' Yui thought, with her eyes already Red from Crying too much

She went towards Izuku's Room and Knocked 4 times

"Uhm. Hey Baby. Can you Open the Door? Please?" Yui asked

"Baby huh?" Setsuna teased, while Jealous a bit but she already was planning on confessing to the Green haired Protagonist, making Yui Blush a new Shade of Red never seen before

"I know what I said hurt you and I want to apologize" Yui continued while the door remained shut

"Please Open the Door. I don't want you to be Mad at me. It was my Fault. Please Open the Door. I wanna talk this out and apologize properly, so please open the Door. Please, I beg you, open the Door." Yui begged with a Calm voice, with nothing happening for a few seconds

"Fine. I hope you're not Sleeping. Here goes" Yui says, as she takes a Deep Breathe

The Theater was now wondering what had happened, Yui while still blushing was concerned, with Izuku just getting hugged by Eri, because of the On-Screen Izuku having Cried, which only the 2 Yui's and Eri noticed (okay get ready cause this will be Long with most likely only 3 or 4 Stops for their Reactions)

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