Mini-Universe 8: End of a Hero

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G was looking into the Info of the current Universe and wasn't sure if he should show them

Just then the others enetered the Cinema and started sitting

End of a Hero (Play Video, rather Theme on Repeat)

"Interesting Title, I think?" Izuku said, as everyone was still happy and glad because of the Last Universe, but G wanted to take revenge for them not listening

The Screen starts with a Battle Damaged Izuku appearing and walking in his Damaged state and Outfit, carrying Inko, who also seems hurt, on his Back

"MOM? What happened?" Izuku asked worried, as Inko reassured him, that she was fine, until everyone heard sniffing and looked back to see G have tears run down his Eyes ... on his Helmet, this got them confused

"Hey Mom" Izuku said, as he looked back at her, with everyone looking at him and Inko

"Yes Sweety?" She asked, as the 2 of them smiled

"Isn't it weird how everyone is watching?" He asked, as she just giggled

"Oh it's not Normal of a Son to carry his Mother on his Back?" She asked, jokingly

"I think, it's pretty Normal" Izuku said, as everyone gave their own Opinions on this

Just then someone bumped into Izuku and a Ring fell to the Ground

"HUH, WATCH WERE you ...." a Punk tried saying, until he saw Izuku, who was now looking at the Ring in saddness, as Tears started running down his Cheeks, just as he picked it up, carrying it into the Sunset
The Screen then turned Black

"Wait, What? What happened to my Mom?" Izuku asked worried

"Continue watching, I will show what happened, but first let me explain" G said, as everyone heard the Pain in G's Voice

"In that Universe, just Hours before this, Izuku was fighting a specific Villain and was knocked out by a Punch from him" G explained, as everyone was worried and shocked

"Inko was near and put herself infront of Izuku" G said, as everyone was now Scared, with Izuku's eyes widening, as he grabbed his Chest

"The Villain, grabbed her in a Hug and ....." G stopped, as he started Crying

"He Broke her Spine and killed her, leaving her Body to lay on Izuku's, as he left" G said, as everyone started crying, as Eri was getting scared and sad, having the same expression she had back when Overhaul threatened her, as Izuku was fighting while Mirio was saving her

Izuku on the other Hand, got a Panic attack, starting to Breathe heavily, as everyone noticed, he started rapidly breathing, as he then lost consciousness and fell down, everyone running to his Aid

"IZUKU/MIDORIYA/MIDORI/MIDOBRO/PAPA/SWEETY/DEKU/..." was yelled, as Recovery Girl was rushed over to him, as she was Worried too, helping him as much as she can, G helping with equipments

Few Hours later

Izuku woke up after a few Hours, looking around, as he quickly hugged his Mother, who reassured him, while crying herself, that she was here

"Mom, Mom, mom" he cried into her shoulder, as Eri hugged the 2 of them crying herself, as the 2 comfort her and each other

Few Moments Later

"I think I'm ready to continue" Izuku said, as he wanted to see who it was, his Eyes showing Revenge, like Iida's did before, everyone recognized it

The Screen then started up again, with Izuku carrying the Ring back to their Home, as the screen showed a Flashback


It then showed Izuku getting Punched by Muscular, after having had a Hard Battle, just as Inko appeared, with other Heroes, who saw Izuku on the Ground, knocked out, before anyone could react, Inko was infront of Izuku

"Mom" Izuku said, as she held his Hand, smiling with a Sad look

"I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT MY BABY BOY" she yelled, as Muscular smiled sadisticly, grabbing her in a Hug and snapping her Back, as everyone present there, just watched in Horror, as Inko's Body fell on Izuku's, like a Mother protecting her Son, just then Muscular escaped, after beating up the Heroes, just as Endeavour appeared, looking at everyone, especially the Kid and his Mother

"Oh God" he said, as he looked like, he was going to Cry too

"Old Man" Shoto said

"I was too late" he said, as he called the medics, just as they arrived, Izuku woke up, seeing Inko's Body, tears ran down his Face

End of Flashback

"I wasn't strong enough" Izuku cried, as he burried his Mothers Ring near a Bridge, near a Clear and Beautiful River

He then walked a bit further away, before he ram his Fists and Head into a Rock, Screaming all of his Pain and Agony out, most people who watched, were looking with a Sad look at the Boy

Izuku's yells, made everyone Sense the amount of Pain he was in, he wasn't just Griefing and Mourning, he was losing himself into his Depression

He then let out all of his Pain as he Cried, Cried like he never before had, bleeding and crying all of his Sadness away

His Voice was telling just how much Pain he had, no one in the Theater had heard so much Pain from 1 Person

"I will Save everyone with a smile? HAH WHAT A JOKE!!! I am a Hero, No More" Izuku said, after ripping his Costume appart and throwing it in a Trash-Can, the next scene showing him dressed like he never dressed before, having a actual suit, with Eri hugging his Leg

"Papa?" Eri asked, as Izuku grabbed the Luggage, as Eri grabbed her Stuff and the 2 left Japan to wonder the World and Learn, with Izuku even cutting his own Hair
The Screen then turned Black

"He just Quit being a Hero?" Bakugou asked, shocked like most others

"Sadly, yes" G said

"I see and understand why" Izuku said, as Inko and everyone looked at him

"If I fail to protect the People I care about, how can I save anyone else?" He asked, as everyone got quiet

Izuku then grabbed his Chest, as Inko looked worried, he might get a Panic-Attack again, so she grabbed his Hand, with him just crying ehile looking at her

"... I'm so sorry Mom, I failed you, I'm so sorry, sorry please, I'm sorry" he repeated, as his Tears didn't stop, as Inkonjust hugged him again

"It's Ok, it's ok" she said, as she whispered sweet nothings into his Ear, so he can calm down, Izuku falling asleep after tiring himself out with being Sad, as Crying drains Energy too

Izuku's Harem, was sad they couldn't help him

So G send them back into the Rooms, with Aizawa carrying Izuku there, as Inko thanked him

"He can Cry for me, so I will help him become the Best Hero he can be, until then I will Protect him" Aizawa said, as everyone noted his Seriousness

"Me too" Toshinori said, as he looked determined

Thus they left, with G taking off his Helmet, before he wiped his Tears away

"I miss you, Mom" he said, revealing his Green Hair, his Face and his Green Eyes

"I wish I was strong enough back then" he said, revealing himself to be the exact same Izuku, from the Video, before putting his Helmet back on

End of Chapter

To be Continued...

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