Universe 4: Part 2

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"Ok that should fix it, time to bring them back" G said

"AAAHHH, that was a Great way to Relax" Izuku said while Stretching with his arms in the Air because he ate a lot and was fed by the Girls who have a Crush on him, also Eri because YES

"Glad to see you guys back and relaxed" G said as everyone came through the Doors

"Oh also Villains are gonna be Back" G said as the Villains got teleported back in here and to their Seats

Everyone sat down again


Savitar Part 2

"Oh so we Continue this Universe?" Izuku asked with a small Smile as he and Denki looked at each other smirking

"Hmmm" Aizawa thought and slowly pieced the stuff together

"It's like looking in a Mirror, well not quite" Savitar says as the screen shows his armor then zooms upwards to show Izuku*?* as he points at the Scar on his Face

This makes Rei and Shoto uncomfortable, as they squirm in their Seats

"You're not so scary without your Armor" Izuku said simply looking at his Counterpart

"What can I say, I outgrew Red" Izuku*?* said looking back at his Armor first then back at Izuku pointing at him for a second

"I know what you are. You're a Time-Remnant" Izuku said

"A Time-What?" Everyone asked

"A temporal duplicate, created when you run back in Time" Savitar explains while pointing at Izuku and walking slowly

"Oh" is what can be heard from the Heroes, Villains and others with Eri and Kota having Stars in their Eyes

"PAPA CAN RUN BACK IN TIME?" Eri yells/asks excited

"Yes Little One" G answers

"And meet yourself" Savitar finishes, as a Flashback starts

"You brought a Remnant to Life, last year to defeat Zoom. Your duplicate died saving the Multiverse and you continued your happy little Life" Savitar says as another flashback is shown of Izuku dying, as the flashback stops and the 2 Speedsters now walk in a Circle

"Ok so why is there a Problem?" Momo asks

"And it would've stayed that way but then you decided to play God" Savitar said pissed pointing at Izuku

"You created Flashpoint and changed everything" Savitar says calming down a bit

"Oh yeah that happened" those said who had gotten the Memories, back in Part 1 or well those who remember

"I went into the Future, my Future self told me that he created Time-Remnants to stop you, that you slaughtered them all" Izuku said as the 2 still walk in a circle

"All but One, Me, I lived, but a Ffffunny thing happened when I did" Savitar said as 1 could feel the Hate in his Words

"You, Aizawa, Shinso, Denki, you all shunned me because I wasn't the True Izuku Midoriya, I was an Aberration, a disposable Hero, Future you failed to mention that, didn't he?" Savitar asked with a low Voice

"How did you become Savitar?" Izuku asked

"I was broken and alone, I wanted the Pain to End and that's when I realized the Truth Izuku, God feels No Pain, all I had to do was become One" Savitar said

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