Universe 7: The Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew)

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"Ok are you all Ready?" G asked everyone, as everyone was sitting and ready to watch the New Universe while the last Row has been Cleaned Izuku was still blushing because of what Momo did while the Last Universe was happening

"Yes I think we are" Nezu said while sipping his Tea, he also knew about what the 2 did in the Back

Everyone got ready and excited

"I hope there is alot of action in this one" Kirishima said while pumping himself up


The Amazing Spider-Man

"Didn't we already see Spider-Man" Momo asked

"Yeah but this one is a alternate version where Izuku just gets his Powers and well Momo is his Love Interest, also Momo's Father is a Police Officer .... well Captain and it is .... Naomasa" G explained (I will call him that because I think that is how he is writen in terms of Name)

Some of the Girls were jealous but Izuku blushed to hard now that he had to remember what Momo did, tho he didn't get hard because Eri was sitting on his Lap so he willingly didn't get Hard ... wow I'm impressed he can control it, most of the time atleast

Momo was smiling and blushing because she was happy

The Screen turns on showing us, a Young Izuku counting while closing his eyes, sitting on wooden Stairs

"Ready or Not here I come" he says smiling and opening his eyes, while the Screen switches from behind him to infront of him showing his face

"Aww look at the Adorable Bean" some of the Females say, much to his embarassment making him blush

Izuku is seen standing up and walking down the stairs towards his right, where he is looking, and he walks towards the Living room

He walks in the Living Room, while in the Background the TV is on playing some Movie (also I will not explain the Music because this will take too long already)

Izuku is seen walking towards the Windows, as the screen shows his face looking at towards the ground of the Window, seeing the Tips of Shoes behind the Curtains

As Izuku pulls the Curtains open, it is revealed to be a Broom, with a Hat, that falls to the ground

Next Scene starts with Izuku Opening a Door, looking inside then closing it, looking dissapointed

Izuku walks over to the Picture Frames and picks up the Glasses that were infront of the Pictures, with the Screen switching from behind him to the Side

Izuku takes the Glasses and puts them on, slowly looking around

"Look at you Izuku, so Adorable with those Glasses" Momo says, confusing the others why she said his First Name, while Izuku was Blushing

"Papa looks cute" Eri says with a Smile, while Kota was having stars in his Eyes

Next Scene starts with Izuku walking through a slightly open door and not wearing the Glasses from before, as he opens the door further

The Screen zooms in on his face as he walks further inside with the a Sound in the background, like a Window that is open hitting over and over again because of the Wind on the outside

The Screen zooms outwards and shows from behind Izuku the Desk and all the Stuff around, like Papers on the Ground and everywhere, while Izuku goes closer

He walks over the Papers and looks at the Balcony door, which makes the Sounds, and he turns around towards the Camera/Screen

"Dad? DAAAAD" Izuku yells, the Screen shows the half-way closed door and behind it, his Father walking towards him, revealing Hisashi Midoriya

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