Chapter Eighteen: Victoria's Wedding

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Princess Amelia of Illea

June 19th, 2010 

I sat in front of the mirror holding my mothers earrings in my hand smiling softly. Today my eldest God sister Victoria would be getting married. 

To think that in three months it would be William and I getting married in England and then soon I would be crowned Princess of Wales. 

I sighed softly before slipping the earnings on. Someone knocked on the door and I looked over my shoulder and saw Anna walking in holding the crown box. 

"I love that color on you sister. It goes with Victoria's theme of a summer wedding." She said as she made her way towards me and I smiled softly. 

"Well to think in three months you'll be helping me get ready for my own wedding instead." I whispered as anna lifted the crown out the box and turned to me. 

"We both know Mama will fight me to put the crown on you. For now I will take this chance to put this crown on you." she said and I giggled as she lowed the crown on the top of my head before fixing the lose curls that were framing my face. 

"There. You're all ready." She whispered and I stood up and reached for my silver clutch. 

"Thank you sister. Are Albert and Will all ready?" 

"Pretty sure they are impatiently waiting by the door. No one is allowed to be late today." She said as we linked arms and walked out of my room into the living room. 

"Woah." Will said and I looked up to see him in his red uniform.

"Woah yourself. I think I like this uniform more then the blue one." I said as I broke apart from Victoria and took Will's hand. 

"You both look beautiful. The limo is outside waiting to take us to the church." Albert said and I nodded as he and Anna stepped outside first and we followed them next. When I slid into the limo I heard my phone bing. 

When I pulled it out and saw a text from Rosie.  Make sure you steal a center piece for me! 

I rolled my eyes before locking my phone and looking out the window. It took us twenty minutes before we arrived at Cathedral of St. Nicholas. I held my clutch and the ends of my skirt as Will stepped out first. I heard the public crowd cheer and when Will turned back and offered his hand to me I quickly took it. 

As I stepped out of the limo I lifted my hand and waved to the crowd. We stepped forward and Albert and Anna climbed out next. Waiting ahead of us was my god mother and other god sister Madeleine.

Even though Anna was older than me, while we were in Sweden I was ahead of her just for the fact I was the goddaughter of the King and Queen. 

I bowed first as low as I could before standing up and smiling. 

"Hallo Patin." (Hello Godmother.) I said and she smiled at me. 

"Hello my dear. You look beautiful! The crown, is it your grandmothers?" She asked as I kissed both of her cheeks. 

"Yes, it's Grandmother's crystal tiara. You remember William." I said as I stepped forward and Will bowed to her. 

"Hello William! Your Uncle Edward and Aunt Sophie are already inside sitting down. We put your seats near them." She said and William smiled at her.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. And thank you for the invite. I can't wait for you to be there for Amelia's and my wedding." He said and I felt myself blush.

"Good, you better be taking care of my girl." She said before she nodded for us to move onward. 

"She is very scary." Will said as I hooked my arm around his and we walked down the red carpet taking some photos. 

"She's my godmother. I spent most summers with her. She's allowed to be scary." I said as we stepped inside and one of the pageboys led us to our seat.

As my god mother had said Sophie and Edward were sitting right next to us. They both stood up and went to bow to us but  Will shook his head.

"Please, I really hate when you two do that." He said as I hugged his Aunt hello. 

"You both know we have to. It's regulations." Edward said as he kissed my cheek. 

"Well hopefully we can all start changing that." I said as I grabbed the wedding program and sat down. I looked across and saw Mary and Fredrick and quickly waved to them. 

Mary smiled at me before blowing a kiss back.

As everyone piled inside and took their seats soon Silvia, Madeline, and Carl Phillip came and sat down in their seats.

First came in Daniel walking with his mother. Bless her soul she looked like she was going to sob. 

Daniel led her to her seat before taking his place at the beginning of the aisle. 

"I bet you're going to cry like that at our wedding." I whispered and Albert snorted.

"I cried seeing Anna walk down. Every husband does." 

William shook his head as he looked towards Daniel who was whispering to his best man. 

"I cried. You will too." I heard Edward say and i grinned before looking back towards the door. 

As the music began all of Victoria's god children began to walk in. We shared some of the same god children and I couldn't wait to see them in their outfits for my wedding. 

As the girl spread the flowers on the side I smiled as I held onto William's hand. He gave me a squeeze before Here Comes The Bride began playing. 

As we all stood up and the doors opened I gasped when I saw Victoria. 

She was wearing the same crown her mother wore on the day she married Victoria's father. I could see the tears glistening in my godfathers eye and when they passed my section I bowed to the both of them. 

I could hear the snaps of the photos and tried not to flinch before I stood up straight. 

When she got to the front Daniel stepped forward and smiled at her. Gustaf handed Victoria's hand over to Daniel and gave their hands a big squeeze before he stepped to the side and stood besides Silvia. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I clapped and cheered as Victoria and Daniel took their first kiss as a married couple on the balcony with one another. 

"You'll be next." I heard someone say and I turned to see madeleine behind me. 

"I know. I'm very nervous." I confessed and she raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Why? Watching you and William today, you two look so in love." 

"We are! God, I love that man. But I was always raised as the spare. Now I am marrying the next King of England." I began and Madeline nodded. 

"And the press and now new charities and responsibilities. I get it." She said as we both looked and saw Victoria beginning her speech. 

"I'm scared I'll fail him." 

Madeline turned to me and shook her head. 

"William worships the ground you walk on sister. You'll never fail him. Now come, We have to start taking photos soon and I need to touch up my blush and lipstick." 

"Of course Madeline." 

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