Chapter Twenty: Scare

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Princess Amelia of Illea 

July 2nd, 2010

I laid besides William in bed when the phone began to ring. I opened my eyes and turned to the clock and saw it read 3:10 a.m

My first thought went to my parents. Something must've happened to them. Then it went to Her Majesty. 

William and I both sat up as he grabbed the phone and answered it. I saw the look on his face before he nodded. 

"We will get dressed and meet you there." He said before he hung up the phone and turned to me. 

"My dad had a heart attack. We have to get dressed and meet Harry at the hospital with Camila." He whispered as he flung the blanket off of him and got dressed. 

"Is he alright?" I asked as I quickly followed him into our closet and grabbed a pair of leggings and long black shirt along with my sandals. 

"Camila didn't say." 

I watched as he got dressed before he grabbed his car keys and we rushed out the house. We sat in the car silently as we drove to St. George's hospital. Waiting for us was Harry who looked so much like he did when he was thirteen. 

"Were you out again?" Will hissed before we followed the security detail in the elevator. 

"Not now Will. We need to check on our father." Harry said and I stood in the corner praying for the best. 

As the doors opened Camila stood there and smiled at us. 

"They just took him out of surgery. We should be able to see him soon." She explained with a weak smile. 

"What happened? Why weren't we called earlier?" Will pressed as we followed Camila into the room. 

"He didn't want to worry you when it happened. But during the surgery his heart stopped. I thought how would be able to tell you both if something happened." She confessed as she sat down. 

"Did he tell you not to tell us?" I asked as Harry stood with his fist clenched.

"Begged me. With the wedding coming up it's been a lot-" She began before we heard wheels and we saw Charles being brought in. He looked shocked to see us there and I saw him glare at Camila. 

"I told you not to worry them." He said and I saw both of the guys face go red. 

"Worry us?!! Your bloody heart stopped!" William scream and even Harry jumped back. 

"Do you not understand that?! Your heart stopped. You died on the damn operating table for a couple of minutes! We are your children!" he added as he looked over at Harry. 

"I have worried enough about Harry and getting a call about him about drinking too much but I never thought I would need to worry about you." 

I stared at Will as his voice cracked and he let out a shaky breath. 

"Our mum died. She's dead, we buried her. That nearly killed us thirteen years ago. Do you know how much it would hurt for you to die! Did you ever think of that?! No because you only ever think for yourself!" 

He stood there for a moment before I saw the tears come out. 

"Alright. Enough now." Charles began but I shook my head before looking at Harry. 

"William said everything for us. I have nothing else to say." 

"You scared us Charles. We understand you and Her Majesty and Phillip aren't getting younger. We all worry overnight we will get that call that someone has died. Do you not understand how unfair it is you have a heart attack and we don't know until the end?" I asked as I sat forward in my chair. 

"What caused it?" 

"Stress mostly. The cigars and whiskey take a toll as well." Charles confessed and Harry shook his head. 

"Dad. Come on now you said you would lay off some of it." 

"Being a senior royal is very stressful! You shouldn't speak Henry, you go out almost every night." Charles hissed before he winced in pain. 

"Charles, no yelling." Camila said as she stood up and fixed his pillows. 

'Alright, I understand that I should've told you both. But I know how much it hurt when your mother died. I didn't want that all over again." 

Will and Harry shared a look before shaking their heads. 

"We are your children. We need to know everything about your health. When you get out of here I'm hiring a nutritious for you." 

"I'll hire the trainer." Harry added and I smiled at them. 

"See? We worry because we care for you Charles. You can't shut us out anymore." I added and Charles sighed as one of his eyes filled with tears, 

"Yes Amelia. Having you in this family now. We truly can't be keeping health secrets anymore." He said with a wink as Will walked towards me as sat on the arm of the seat. 

"See? One big family. I might need a strong cup of tea  now." Harry confessed as he sat by Charles feet. 

'Yes because of the hangover you are about to have." 

"Boys. Not now."  

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