Chapter Five: Proposal

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Princess Amelia of Illea

January 20th, 2010

I held onto Will's hand as we walked out of the shop. I waved my hand to the crowd of people who took photos of us as we got to the car and we loaded all of the grocery's into the back before we climbed into the car.

"So what do you want me to cook for dinner?" I asked as Will backed up and took off towards Kensington Palace.

"Actually I am going to cook for you tonight. I thought I would make your favorite? Chicken Alfredo with homemade garlic bread?" He offered and I raised an eyebrow smiling at him.

"Since when do you cook? Usually, it is me." I said as he got off of the motorway. He turned the corner until we got to the street that was Kensington Palace.

"I know but I want it to be special." He said as the guard waved us through. Once we parked the car I unbuckled myself and climbed out. I reached in the boot of the car and grabbed two bags before letting myself inside.

Harry was spending two weeks with Charles and Camilia as they vacationed in Wales. Once inside Will took the bags from me and went into the kitchen to begin dinner.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" I called out as I slipped my hat off and walked to the heater and turned in higher.

"I'm perfectly fine dear. Would you like a glass of wine?"

"I'll pour it myself," I said as I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to take out the wine. I popped the cork and opened a cabinet to get a wine glass.

After pouring myself a glass I put the wine away and walked into the sitting room. I grabbed the remote and turned the tele on to Doctor Who.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One Hour Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alright, dear. Dinner is already." Will called out as I climbed off the sofa and walked into the dining room. I smiled at the table that was set up with candles lit.

"Will, what do you have planned?" I asked as he pulled out my chair for me and I sat down.

"Will you just start eating?" He asked with a smile as he sat at the head of the table while I sat to his left.

"You did an amazing job, honey," I said as I bit into the alfredo. I watched as he blushed a little bit before clearing his throat.

"Darling? We've been dating for how long now?"

"Officially dating about eight years. But everyone thought we were dating longer." I said with a laugh. I watched as he fidgeted in his seat before smiling.

"You know I love you with all of my heart right? And I've wanted nothing more than to make you apart of my life." He began and I raised an eyebrow at him as I reached for my glass of wine and sipped softly.

"Will I have known you almost my entire life. I know you, I think, better than I know myself. I love you Will and I know you love me. You have always tried to protect me." I said as I leaned across the table and grabbed his hand and rubbed my finger over his knuckle.

I watched as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Do you trust me?"

"More than life itself."

"Than close your eyes for a moment." He said and I rolled my eyes playfully before taking my hand away and closing my eyes. I heard the chair scrape and then Will cleared his throat.

"Open your eyes, Amy." He whispered and when I opened my eyes I saw him on one knee holding a ring box.

"Meine Güte." (Oh my goodness.) I said and William chuckled softly.

"I love you, Amy. I have since we were teenagers. You have been there for everything. My parent's divorce, my mother dying, my father abdicating, and me becoming the Prince Of Wales. You have stood by me and never gave up. You are there when I need you the most and you love me for me." He began and I felt the tears starting to fall.

"I can't imagine a life without you and I don't want to Amelia. Would you do the honor of becoming my wife?" He finished as he opened the ring box and in the box was his mother's engagement ring.

"Is that your mums?" I whispered and William chuckled.

"I think she would want you to have it. So will you be my wife?" He asked and I nodded as I let out a little laugh.

"Yes, Yes I will be your wife William," I said and he grinned as he took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto my finger before pulling me into a kiss.

When we pulled apart he wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled.

"We are going to get married," I whispered and he nodded as I stared at the ring on my finger.

"But first, the engagement interviews. I asked your parents for their blessing. Your father said it's about damn time." He said and I snorted softly.

"Of course he did."

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