Chapter Ten: Crown Decision

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Princess Amelia of Illea

March 1st, 2010

I sat beside William as his we just finished speaking to his grandmother. We have just announced we shall be getting married on September 19th, at Westminister Abbey. 

After speaking to his Grandmother she said I had free range to chose what crown I wished to wear for my wedding. Whether it be a Crown Jewel from Illea or one of her own crowns. 

William has been in Illea for nearly a week now and he would have to leave very soon. Well not very soon but within a week. I will then go to England to be with him on Engagements at the beginning of next month. 

"Should we go tell your parents you have decided on the crown?" 

"Yes," I said as I stood up and fixed my pants. Will held my hands as I led the way towards the family room where my father was laying on the sofa watching American Football on the television. 

My mother sat in her armchair preparing for her upcoming engagements. 

"Already done speaking to Elizabeth?" Momma asked as she looked up and slipped her glasses onto the top of her head. 

"Yes, I have decided on the crown I am going to wear on my wedding day," I stated and I watched as my father stood up and turned to me. 

"What crown have you decided?" 

"We won't get mad Amy. Like we told Anna, she did not need to wear a crown at all." Momma quickly added and I smiled softly. 

"I am going to wear the Queen Mary Fringe Tiara for the wedding ceremony but for the after-party, I am going to wear the Seven Pearl Tiara," I explained and Momma smiled. 

"That is wonderful! I am sure Elizabeth is very happy you are going to wear her tiara on your day." Momma said as she nodded for us to sit on the armchairs near her. 

"She was touched. Granny does not normally show emotions that well." Will explained and my father chuckled. 

"My parents were the same way. I do not remember my grandparents that way. My grandparents died about a year after I was born forcing my father to take the throne at the age of twenty-three." Poppa explained and I smiled at him. 

"I remember Oma loved wearing the Seven Pearl Tiara," I remembered and my father nodded. 

"My mother loved the tiara. She would have loved to see you wear it." He explained before we heard the beep of the intercom go off. 

"Majestät, es ist Zeit für Ihr Treffen mit dem Premierminister." (Your Majesty, it is time for your meeting with the Prime Minister.) His assistant reminded and I watched as my father inhaled softly before nodding. He made his way over to my father and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. 

"I will try to be there for dinner." He promised and my mother smiled at him.

"I know dear. Do try to control your temper." She reminded him and my father nodded as he turned to me. He bent down and kissed my cheek and smiled. 

"Angelo said he would leave you a file of your upcoming engagements in your sitting room for you to review." 

"Of course Poppa. I'll look at it after dinner." I said before he nodded his head to Will and walked out of the family room and to his meeting with the Prime Minister. 

"Alright, I am going to check on dinner progress and on Albert. Anna said he was running a bit of a fever." Momma said and I smiled as I leaned into Will's arms. 

"We shall be here. Watching the telly." 

"I know Amy. Remember dinner is at six sharp. if you are late I am giving your dinner to Celine." She threatened with a smile as she stood up and collected to her folders and strolled out of the room, 

"Does he not like the Prime Minister?" Will asked as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. 

"Not really. They fight over everything. My father blames the Prime Minister for having high blood pressure but we called stier." 


"It means bull. Like bullshit?" 

"Oh, I really need to get a tutor to learn German." 

"Yes, you do. When we have engagements here in Illea I cannot always be beside you to translate. My English is passable enough." I said with a laugh earning Will to shake his head as he pressed a kiss to my forehead and I cuddled close to his chest. 

"I wish I didn't have to leave." 

"We will see each other soon." 

"I know but we are in different time zones and when I am in London I am the Prince of Wales and am constantly busy." He began to ramble on. I pressed both my hands on his face and forced him to look at me. 

"William, I know how busy you can get. I am ready to marry you and become the Princess of Wales so I can help you and take all or some of the stress away from you. You have to remember not to stress and sometimes dump some engagements on harry. He is second in line and needs to act like it." I explained and Will stared at me for a moment before smiling. 

"I love you." 

"I love you more." 

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