Chapter Two: Holiday Shopping

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Princess Amelia of Illea

December 1st, 2009

I held onto Rosalie's hand as we walked through the streets. Christmas was approaching and I needed to finish my shopping before I fly to London. I plan on spending the week before Christmas with William before coming back home and spending Christmas with my family.

"Have you finished your shopping?" I asked Rosalie as we stepped inside the book shop to get books for Albert.

"Almost. Getting these two books for Albert and I will be two gifts close to being done. Who do you have left?" She asked as she reached the historical fiction section and began to look for Alberts's books.

"All I have left is William and mummy really. I sent the gifts for my godparents and god siblings already to Sweden for them to open on Christmas day." I stated and Rosalie smiled.

"Do you think William will propose to you soon? There has been many rumors." She said with a smirk as we turned to the romance section and I reached for the books I wanted. I stated at Rosalie for a moment before shaking my head.

"He hasn't hinted about proposing to be. But if he does I would gladly say yes." I whisper before turning to the sci-fi section and got the books I planned on gifting William.

"Wer bist du bereit, königin zu sein?" (Would you be ready to be Queen?)

"Ja, weio ich ihn liebe." (Yes, because I love him.) I whispered before we went to the front and paid for our books. Agreed saying goodbye to the cashier our security detail led us across the street to Zara.

"When does Anna-Marie return from her honeymoon?" Rosalie whispered as we began browsing through the gowns for us to give to mum.

"She should return before Christmas. Papa needs her here for parliament before the New Year." I answered before my eyes landed on a lace violet gown and grinned.

I quickly grabbed the dress and looked for my mother's size and shook my head.

"Perfekt."(Perfect.) I said before I spotted Rosalie looking for a new dress.

"Will Roberto be joining us for Christmas? I haven't seen him since the wedding." I offered and Rosalie sighed.

"I found out Papa doesn't approve of Robert. And since I am still in the line of succession I know we can never marry." She whispered and I quickly wrapped my arm around my little sister and looked at her.

"Maybe he wasn't the one for you. Do you remember Captain Richard Cody? He always liked you." I said as I grabbed her dress and we turned to the checkout.

"Amelia. Du klingst wie Mama." (Amelia. You sound like momma) she whined as I paid for everything and both dresses were wrapped up so we could carry them out 

"I will take that as a compliment. Momma is very wise." I said as we stepped out onto the street and we saw the small crowd waiting yo take our photo. Thank goodness the car was waiting to take us back to the castle.

Rosalie and I waved to the crowd before we got in the car and I quickly closed the door behind us and sighed in relief.

"If you are to marry William, who is to be the next King, how will you reality the press?" Rosalie asked and I took a deep breath as I pulled my phone out.

"I love William a lot. So I will get myself a press secretary that will help me deal with everything." I explained as I phoned momma.

"Hello, my little Elia will you and Rosie be home soon?" She asked as soon as she answered.

"Yes, momma. But I have a question. Can you set up some interviews for me to get a regular secretary and a press one?" I asked as we turned on the freeway.

"Of course I can. Finally realizing William might propose and you could possibly become the Queen of England?" 

"Mama,"'I warned as I heard her typing away on the laptop.

"I found two who can start after the holidays. We shall finish this discussion when you get to the castle." Mama stated as she ended the call and I leaned against my seat and sagged.

"I wonder how Papa deals with her at times," Rosalie said with a smirk as she popped a piece of gum into her mouth.

Within twenty minutes we were at the castle and some of the workers began helping us bring everything out. As we stepped inside Momma and Papa were waiting for us. 

"Hast du deine Einkäufe erledigt?" (Did you finish your shopping?) Papa asked as he kissed our cheeks. 

"Ja papa Alles ist eingestellt." (Yes papa. Everything is set.) Rosalie said before she bowed her head and walked to her room. 

"The interviews will begin after the holidays. Two different ones of course." Momma said and Papa raised an eyebrow. 

"I need to be more comfortable in the public Papa. That is all." I said as I fixed my purse and bags. 

"Oh. Alright, then Elia. Go rest until dinner." He said as he kissed my forehead. I nodded goodbye to my parents before I walked up the grand staircase to the fourth floor. I sighed as I opened the door and placed all my bags on the table. I looked in my purse and dug for my phone and smiled when I saw a text from William. 

In meetings with Granny until four. I'll video chat you once I'm done. -William 

I smiled as I exited out the text before sighing. 

Would he propose?

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