Chapter Eight: Planning

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Princess Amelia of Illea

February 9th, 2010

I held my three binders in my arm as I stepped into the east wing towards my mother's office. After a couple of days of engagements, I had finally decided to ask my mother and two sisters to help me plan my wedding.

As I walked into the office I froze when I saw three whiteboards.

"Was ist das?" (What is this?) I asked as I placed my binders on the table.

"Es gibt so viel zu planen. Die Hochzeit, die Hochzeit und die Nachmittagsfeier." (There is so much to plan. The pre-wedding, the wedding, and the after-party.) Mother said as she pointed to each board.

"Well, today can we just focus on one?" I offered and my mother sighed before pushing the pre-wedding party and after-party boards away.

The doors opened again and in came Anna and Rosie.

"Alright, have you decided when you want to have the wedding?" Anna asked as she grabbed a notepad.

"Well, I want it in September. Mama, have you gotten the wedding planner?" Ia sked and my mother smirked.

"I did. I got Mark Niemierko who is a wonderful wedding planner. He will be meeting with you in London when you go." She explained and I nodded.

"Good, I'll give him all of my information and let him do his magic," I said and Anna chuckled.

"That's what I did with my wedding planner." She said as Rose wrote September on the board.

"When in September?"

"The middle of September. Possibly the 19th. It will start to be cooler and not so hot." I said and Mama grinned.

"Crowns or hats?"

"Hats, not all of William's cousins can wear crowns due to them not being married," I explained and Rose rolled her eyes.

"So eine Summe Regel." (Such a stupid rule.) She hissed and I smiled softly at her.

"Alright, Rosie write it down. Now for a crown, have you seen the British crowns yet?" Anna asked and I shook my head.

"No, I will be having tea with Her Majesty soon and I shall see them there and I can make a decision," I explained as Rosie wrote not crown yet.

"Location? We know it will be in England."

"Yes, Will and I have decided on Westminster Abbey. He shall be wearing his military uniform." I explained with a grin and my mother rolled her eyes playfully as Rosie wrote down Westminster Abbey.

"Will Papa walk you down?"

"Yes! I want Papa to walk me down but I want to formally ask him." I stated and Mama grinned.

"He would truly love that you formally ask him."

"I have everything planned out I would just need Mark to make it go wonderful. I know the pageboys I want as well as my bridesmaids."

"That's wonderful! Let's hear it so we can let Rosie write it down." Mama stated and I grabbed my second binder and flipped to the page.

"So for page boys, we will have James, William's cousin. Will's godson Tom Pettifer, and then my godson Prince Sverre Magnus."

"Mette and Haakon agreed?" Anna asked and I nodded.

"I called her last night and said I want all of my godchildren to be in the wedding and she agreed and then I asked Sverre and he was so happy that I asked him," I explained with a laugh.

"Bridesmaid?" Rosie asked and I cleared my throat.

"Lady Louise Windsor. Eliza Lopez. Princess Alexia and then Princess Isabella."

"So your only godson and then you two goddaughters?"

"Yes. Will is planning on asking Harry to be his best man and it made me think of who I want to be my maid of honor." I began and both my sisters turned to me. I stared at Anna and smiled.

"I was so happy to serve as your maid of honor at your wedding but I believe it's Rosie's turn now," I explained and Anna grinned.

"Natürlich Kleine Schwester. Ich verstehe." (Little sister of course. I understand.) She said before I looked at Rosie who was grinning.

"Rosie, would you do me the honor in being my maid of honor?" I asked and Rosie squealed as she started jumping up and down.

"Yes! Of course!" She said and I laughed softly before handing the poems and songs I wanted.

"Your assistant will fax all of this over to Max?" I asked and she nodded.

"Of course. Give me the binders and I shall her fax everything over to him. You should go speak to your father in his office before his meetings." She offered and I bowed my head as I stood up and gave her the binders.

"I think we did pretty good. I have nearly everything planned out just not decorations." I stated as I gripped my purse.

"I was the same. I let mama do all of that." Anna said as she stood up and smiled at me.

"Ich bin sehr Stolz auf dich Amy." (I am very proud of you Amy.) She said and I smiled at her.

"Danke Anna." (Thank you, Anna.) I whispered before I walked out of mama's office and towards the floor above us to my father's office. His guard smiled at me before announcing me to my father.

"Presenting Princess Amelia of Illea, Duchess of Pavia!"

As I stepped into the office I bowed softly to my dad before standing up and hugging my father.

"Hello, Amelia. I thought you were planning with your mother and sisters." He said as we pulled apart.

"We did. I had planned a lot of things and mama will fax everything over to the wedding planner." I explained and he grinned.

"I am very proud of you. You know that right?"

"Of course I do papa. I came here to ask you something."

"Sure. What is it?"

"I wanted to know if you will walk me down the aisle at my wedding," I whispered and I watched as his eyes filled up with tears.

"I would be honored to give you away." He whispered and I smiled as I reached up and wiped a tear away.

"Weine Keine Papa." (Don't cry Papa.) I whispered and he chuckled before stepping back and wiped his eyes.

"I cannot help it. You are growing up so fast. And it makes me sad honestly." He explained and I smiled at him.

"You still have the twins and Rosie."

"Oh, those three will never leave your mother and me." He said and I let out a laugh.

"That is very true."

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