Chapter Twenty-Three: Wedding Prep

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Princess Amelia of Illea

August 27th, 2010

I sat in a small cafe with Rosemary, my best friend and Rosalie. We arrived in London last day to go over a couple of things for my wedding. 

"Thank you so much." I said to the waitress as she brought our three drinks and our scones to the table. She smiled before bowing her head. 

"Are you and Anna still not speaking?" Rosemary asked and I shook my head. 

"We never thought Her Majesty would chose William over Charles. So I never I thought I would become Queen." I began and Rose smirked. 

"Anna thinks people will want Papa to hand the crown over to Amelia because of some stupid polls." Rose said as she sipped her latte. 

"Well, no more talk of that. Amelia, what are we doing today?" Rosemary asked as I placed enough money on the bill to tip the waitress forty percent. 

"Well I saw my dress last night and it is beautiful. Today Rose will be going with Harry to check out the flowers for both the wedding and after party. We will be meeting with Her Majesty and Will to talk about the after party. Mama has already finished with the ceremony." I said as I grabbed my matcha and stood up. 

"Alright, Harry is outside. So I shall see you ladies later." 

"No funny business Rose! I mean it."  

She stuck her tongue out at me and Rosemary and I got into our car. The drive back to Buckingham wasn't long and William was waiting for me. Rosemary went to bow but William stoped her. 

"Not unless we are public for me. But for Granny every time you see her." 

Rosemary and I linked arms as we followed Will to where we would be holding the after party. I saw Granny and she made her way towards us. I bowed as low as I could and she smiled at me.

"The dance floor will be installed in about a week. The fabric is getting here in two weeks. Are the flowers ready?" She asked and I nodded. 

"Rose and Henry went to go check on them. Since I haven't gotten a call they must be good." I explained and she smiled.

"Very good. Your wedding is going to be very celebrated. The next Queen." She said before she turned away and I turned and looked at Will. 

"Like that isn't enough stress," I whispered and he smiled before pulling me into a hug. 

"You know how she is. Everything is in the public opinion. Why do you think she made me heir?" He said and I winced. 

"Just like she discouraged Catherine Middleton." 

William looked towards me and sighed. 

"Amelia-" He began but my phone began to ring. I turned away from Will and grabbed my phone and saw my maternal grandma was calling. 

"Hallo Oma." (Hello Grandmother) I said as I sat at one of the tables.

"Amelia, wie geht es dir, Schatz?" (Amelia, how are you dear?) 

"Mir geht es gut. Oma, warum rufst du mich jetzt an? Du hast nicht gemonct." (I'm alright. Grandma why are you calling me? You never liked me.) I whispered and I heard her laugh. 

"Anna called. Along with Chris. I heard of the fight. I feel it is foolish of Anna to say that." She said and I felt my eyes widening. 

"You're sticking up for me?" 

"Amelia, it wasn't that I didn't like you. You reminded me of me when I was younger and I mad very bad choices. I know it might be late but I would love to come to the wedding. I've spoken to your parents. But the choice is yours. But don't wait so long to speak with Anna. You know how she is." She said before she hung up the phone. I sighed as I slipped the phone into my purse and stood up. 

"Amelia, wait." Will said and I stared at him. 

"I must go. My grandmother called. Somethings wrong. Rose and I have to got back to Illea." I lied. 

"Now? Can they wait?" 

"No they can't. Just like Catherine can't because I can see her name on your phone!" I yelled as I grabbed the vase near me and threw it towards him. 

"Pick one of us William Arthur Charles. I won't wait any longer." 

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