Chapter Fifteen: Celine

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Princess Amelia of Illea 

April 30th, 2010 

I stood beside Albert and Anna as we watched Carlos play outside with Celine 

"What did Carlos say when he called you in England?" Anna said as she moved some of the curtains back to their place so it wouldn't seem like we were watching them. 

"He said Celine started asking again about her mother again. Wanting to hear stories. He sounded so sad." I whispered as I looked at my little brother. 

"You all rarely speak of her. What was her name?" Albert asked and Anna smiled. 

"Her name was Emmy. Her parents were advisors to Papa. She always had the biggest crush on Carlos. She thought none of us knew." Anna said with a smile. 

"She would constantly follow him around like a lost puppy. Until one day Carlos caught her and asked if he could take her to see a show in town." I said as I moved to one of the chairs and sat down. 

A maid stepped forward and handed me a cup of tea. 

"They were in love. Carlos begged our father for permission to marry her. Papa found it funny and said they needed to at least be eighteen and they would have his blessing." I whispered as I sipped my tea. 

"But Emmy became pregnant." 

Anna sighed as she stepped away from the window. 

"Carlos said they were drunk. Somehow managed to get into the liquor room. They got drunk and had sex with each other for the first time. Emmy got pregnant and her parents disowned her." 

"What?" Albert asked as he stared at my sister. 

"Mama was upset she was pregnant. Carlos and she were barely fifteen. But they were more disgusted that Sir Eric and Lady Kayla disowned their daughter. They moved Emmy in and we had a plan." I began as Anna sat beside me. 

"But Emmy was really sick her entire pregnancy. The poor girl was always tired and never had energy but she was so excited to become a mum. She helped decorate the nursery and she knew in her heart Celine would be a girl." 

We stopped talking and I looked towards the door and saw Carlos carrying Celine inside. 

"Why did you all just stop talking?" He asked as he placed Celine on the ground and she ran towards Anna. 

"We were just speaking about Emmy," Anna said and Carlos froze. 

"Mamma?" Celine asked and I smiled. 

"Yes! Emmy was your mamma's name." I said as I stared at my brother. 

"Wir werden aufhören, wenn Sie es wollen." (We will stop. If you want us too.) I said but Carlos shook his head. 

"No, Celine should hear stories of her mamma." He whispered as he sat on the floor in front of his daughter. 

"Your momma was my bestest friend. I could tell her anything and she would listen." He said and Celine smiled. 

"Then why do you look sad, Daddy?" She whispered and I felt my eyes well up before I looked down at my engagement ring. 

"I look sad because I miss her every day. I miss her laugh, I miss the smell of her perfume she would wear when we were together, and I miss seeing her." He began as he took Celine's hands in his own. 

"But I see her in you so much. That, yes, I get sad. But I only get sad because she is missing out on such a smart and beautiful little girl. But I am so grateful she gave me you. Because I do not know what I would've done if I lost you too." Carlos said and I felt a tear fall down before I stood up and stepped towards Celine. 

She looked up when she saw me and I bent down to her size. 

"Your momma was very funny. She had always made jokes when we shouldn't have but it always made it funnier." I explained and Celine giggled. 

"Are they better than Daddy's jokes?" 

"Hey! I'm funny!" Carlos said as he wiped his eyes and I placed my hand on my brother's shoulder. 

"Funnier than your dad and Uncle Chris. I know you get sad when you see other children who have a mum." I began as I took Celine from Anna. 

I watched as her lower lip pouted out and I wiped a tear from her eye. 

"But you do have a mum. She is in heaven watching over you and making sure no harm comes to you. But then you have Auntie Anna, Auntie Rosie, Grandmama, and you have me. We will always be here with Celine." I explained and Celine stared at me. 

"But you are marrying Will." 

"I am. Which means you gain another Uncle. Just like you gained Albert over there. I will always be here. A phone call away. If you say you need me. I will jump on a plane and rush over here as soon and as fast as I can." 

Celine stared at me for a moment before nodding. 

"We love you so much, Celine. But we hate seeing you so sad." Anna whispered as she stared at her niece. 

"I'm only sad because I want to know my momma." 

"How about this?" Carlos started as Celine turned to her dad. 

"Every night when I tuck you in I tell you a story about your momma. From when her and I were kids till we had you?" He offered and Celine grinned as she threw her arms around Carlos and hugged him. 

"You promise?" 

"Ich schwöre." (I swear) 

I smiled softly at them before I stood up and looked towards Anna who reached out and grabbed my hand. She squeezed it softly and I couldn't but remember when Emmy gave birth and were all sat in the hospital waiting room waiting to hear the news. 

I smiled at my sister and couldn't help but have a fear if I have children would they feel the pain Celine feels? The pain Will and Harry went through? 

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