Chapter Fourteen: Lunch With the Queen

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Princess Amelia of Illea

April 13th, 2010

I walked behind Her Majesty's secretary as he led me towards the dining room where I would be having lunch with her majesty. 

He opened the door for me and I smiled softly at him before I bowed my head at him and stepped inside the dining room. 

"Good Afternoon, Your Majesty," I said as I stepped forward and bowed softly. 

"Good afternoon, Amelia. How are you?" She asked as I stood up and leaned forward to press a kiss to her cheek. 

"I am well, a bit tired. The time change always messes with me." I said as she led me to the table. Once she sat down I sat right across from her. 

"I hope you enjoy eating chicken romano. I was in the mood today for it." 

"I have never had it," I stated as the staff came in and began bringing the food in. 

"How is wedding planning going?" 

"Well, my mother is very excited about the fittings to begin. After Anna's wedding, all she has wanted was to plan another one." I explained as I spun noodles around my fork and bit into them. 

"You make William very happy, Amelia. I cannot thank you enough for that." She said and I froze for a moment and smiled. 

"I have loved him since I was a little girl. I think his mum always knew, she would always tease us." I whispered and Her Majesty grinned. 

As we fell into a comfortable silence and finished eating our food I looked around the dining room and saw the engagement photo of William and I blown up and hanging on the wall. 

"I invited you over for lunch to speak of your patrons here. You will become the Princess of Wales and must start taking on responsibilities of the crown." Her Majesty began and I quickly sat up straight to look at her. 

"Yes, I have held my own patrons in Illea. I did want to keep those and begin having a branch for some of those here in the United Kingdom." I explained and Her Majesty nodded. 

"And those we must discuss with your parents. I would like for you to be the head of the National Portrait Gallery, The British Youth Opera, and the BookTrust." She said and I sat there for a moment shocked. 

"All three?" 

"For now. You see William's patronages, they are nearly as much as mine. One day your list will match ours. So do you accept?" 

I stared at her a moment before bowing my head. 

"I serve at the pleasure of the crown," I said and she smiled softly at me. 

"It shall be released later tonight, you accepting these patrons. My advice would be to write a letter to them. And then after your wedding and honeymoon, to visit them." She said as she stood up. 

I quickly stood up after her and watched for a moment. 

"I have seen how you are in Illea, Amelia. You are a wonderful Princess and I am very excited to see you become a part of this family." She stated and I bowed my head to her. 

"Diana would be of course jumping for joy over the fact you two are marrying." 

"About that, I know since your mother married, the wedding bouquet is left at the grave of an unknown soldier. I was wondering if my bouquet could be left at Diana's grave?" I asked and Her Majesty stared at me for a moment before looking away. 

"I must think on this. Thank you for joining me today. William should be arriving soon from training. I shall see you before you leave in three days." She said and I bowed my head as she walked out of the dining room. 

I sighed softly before reaching for my bag and walking out of the dining room and towards the stairs when I saw Will walking up. 

"Hello, love. How was lunch?" He asked once he reached me and pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"It was alright. She gave me three patrons to have after we get married." I said and Will grinned at me. 

"That's wonderful. Did you ask her about the flowers?" 

"I did. She said she would think of it. If she says no I will just have a second bouquet made to lay on your mother's grave." I stated and Will stared at me for a moment and smiled at me. 

"You would do that? Go against granny?" 

"Will, it is a new area and your grandmother must understand that. If you and I are going to be the next king and Queen then we need to start making it the way we want it." I said and I watched as he stared at me before grinning. 

"This is why I love you. How open-minded you are to everything." 

"Do you know my family? I need to have an open mind. It is so many opinions there." I said with a laugh before my phone began to ring. I opened my purse and pulled out my phone to see it was Carlos. 

"Carlos? Ist alles in Ordnung?" (Carlos? Is everything alright?) I asked and I heard my brother sigh. 

"Es ist Celine. Sie fragt immer wieder nach Geschichten über ihre Mutter." (It's Celine. she keeps asking for stories about her mother." He said and I stood there for a moment. 

"I shall be home in three days. We can talk to her. I'll help you." 

"Thank you Amy." He whispered before he hung up the call. I looked over at Will and sighed. 

"Celine again?" 

"Yea, she keeps asking about her mum." 

"Poor girl. I had my mother for fifteen years. She barely had hers for one hour." 

"She has her father and us. She shall never want or need a thing. 

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