Chapter Seven: Crown Princess Day

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Princess Amelia of Illea

February 3rd, 2010

It was Crown Princess Day. The day Anna was born and Illea celebrated that they would finally have a woman rule.

I wrapped my arm through Rose's as we followed our parents along with Anna and Albert to the balcony.

Our Crown Princess Day was very different. We would start the day by greeting the crowd on the balcony. The crowd would usually sing Happy Birthday to Amelia and she would give a short speech.

After we would go outside and greet the crowd for about an hour before going inside and having lunch and cake.

As we stood in front of the door I turned to Albert and smiled.

"Bist du nervös? Es ist dein erster Tag der Kronprinzessin." (Are you nervous? It is your first Crown Princess Day) I asked and Albert smiled at me.

"Ein kleines Bisschen. Aber Anna ist Sehr aufgeregt." (A little bit. But Anna is very excited.) He said before we heard the trumpet begin to play and the doors opened. Mum and Dad stepped out first followed by Anna and Albert.

Once they stepped out Rose and I went next followed by Chris and Carlos. I lifted my hand and waved to the crowd. Poppa lifted his hand and soon the crowd fell silent as he stepped forward to the microphone.

"Willkommen alle! Vielen Dank für Ihr Kommen!" (Welcome all! Thank you all for coming today!) He began with a smile.

"Heute feiern wir meine Tochter, Ihre Kronprinzessin!Eines an diesem Tag vor einunddreißig Jahren trat mein Erstgeborener in die Welt ein" (Today we celebrate my daughter, your Crown Princess! On this day thirty-one years ago my first born entered the world.) He added with a smile as he looked at Amelia.

"How much longer do you think he'll brag about her?" Carlos asked and I smirked.

"I give it a couple more minutes."

"Ich bin sehr Stolz auf sie und ich weiß, dass Sie es auch alle sind! Hier ist Kronprinzessin Anna-Marie." (I am very proud of her and I know you all are too! Here she is Crown Princess Anna-Maire!) He finished and we all clapped as Anna untangled herself from Albert and stepped towards the microphone.

"I thank you all for coming here today to celebrate my birthday. It means so much to me. Being your Crown Princess and working with you all to try to make sure your voices are heard." She began with a smile.

"I am so honored to be loved by all of you and trust me when I say you are always my priority. On my wedding day when you all sent letters of support, it meant so much to me. I thank you all for giving me my Prince, the love of my life. I cherish you all. Thank you." She finished and we all clapped our hands.

I looked down and watched as the band began to play and they all started to sing Happy Birthday. Once they were finished we all waved before we went inside so we could go out and greet the crowd.

"Bundle up," Mum told us all as Rosemary walked over to me and gave me my new gloves. Rosemary started being my assistant helping me handle everything.

On Crown Princess Day, Dad allowed Anna to walk out in front of him and greet everyone before he did.

As we walked outside and the cold air hit me, I felt bad for everyone who waited. I stopped and turned to Rosemary.

"Rose, make the kitchen to make hot chocolate for all of these people," I said and Rose nodded before she made her way back inside.

"That is very kind of you," Poppa said as he offered me his arm and we began saying hello to everyone.

When I approached this elder woman in a wheelchair I bent down in front of her.

"Hello! Thank you so much for coming" I said and she grinned at me as she shook my hand.

"We love your family very much! Of course, we would come!"

"Are you not cold? It is a bit chilly out here." I commented and the woman nodding.

"Ja, es ist ein bisschen kalt." (Yes, it is a bit chilly.) She said and I smiled softly before looking to one of my father's guards and motioning him over to us.

"Can you get her a thick blanket. And see how they are doing with the hot chocolate for them?" I asked and he bowed his head before going back inside.

I grinned at the woman before standing up and making my way down to others.

"Hello! Thank you so much for coming today!" I said as I shook hands.

"Freust du dich auf die Hochzeit?" (Are you excited for the wedding?) Someone asked as I was handed flowers and a card.

"Welche Hochzeit? Meine oder meine Schwestern?" (Which wedding? My godsisters or mine?) I responded with a laugh as I turned to the man.

"Deine." (Yours.)

"I am. I am very excited about my wedding but we still have a long way to go." I commented before Rose nodded for me to move along.

"Ich danke Ihnen allen, dass Sie heute hier sind." (Thank you all for being here today.) I added before I stepped away.

I looked to the side and saw Carlos walking with Celine and Christopher. I waved at my niece before she broke away my brother and rushed over to me. I bent down and hugged her. As I stood up I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Are you having fun?" I asked as I watched her accept a teddy bear from a boy her age.

"Yes! I love Auntie Anna's birthday!" She said before I began to lead her towards her father. I watched as some servers from the kitchen came out and began passing out hot chocolate to people.

"That was very kind of you," Papa said as he stepped towards Carlos and me.

"They were cold."

My father stared at me for a moment before smiling.

"You'll make a wonderful Queen. Come, it's time to go inside."

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