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The sun was beginning to warm up the town. One of the largest and most important buildings in the town was La Casa Madrigal, basking in the new day's sunlight and showing off its vibrant colors. La Casa Madrigal was like a home away from home for me. I was visiting to hang out with Mirabel once again, almost a daily thing.

I've known Mirabel for a long, long time, I can easily recall the day of her gift ceremony. We would fantasize about the endless gifts and possibilities. The ability to turn invisible always intrigued me, I could get away with so much and mess with so many people. Alas, I am not one of the amazing Madrigals. Mirabel was never certain on what gift she wanted, but I remember her being excited to find out what she would get. She was shaking with eagerness on the day of her ceremony. I stood to the side with my parents, silently cheering her on with hopeful eyes. However, just a couple minutes later I was comforting her as she sobbed into her mother's shoulder. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so upset in my life, even today. I comforted her everyday for weeks, months, nearly years. Even now I can't imagine how she felt at the time, at such a young age.

Casita's doors opened, welcoming me in. I entered, grinning and thanking Casita, the tiles happily clicking above me. A few of the Madrigals were wandering the house in preparation of their chores. Tía Julieta, Mirabel's mom, was busy in the kitchen baking dozens of arepas for the injured townsfolk. I came over, eyeing the freshly baked goods.

"Hola, tía!" I called other's parents "aunt" and "uncle," it felt polite.

"Hola, Y/N, you're here early. Are you here to help Mirabel with chores?"

"Ah, yeah, I am. I got up extra early just for her."

"Oh, sorry to tell you, Y/N, but I don't think Mirabel has many chores for today. You can still stay here, though," she smiled kindly, I always admired how soft her expressions were.
"Here, take an arepa, I know you don't normally get here this early,"

"Thanks, I'll just hang out, then. See you, tía!"

"Adíos, Y/N!"

She carried a basket of goods out of the kitchen as I waved goodbye, taking a bite of the warm meal. I walked by Dolores, quickly greeting her and headed upstairs. She gave me a sweet smile, as always. Dolores was one of my favorite Madrigals. Well, it is hard to choose favorites.

I was walking to Mirabel's room, the only door not glowing, when I walked right into Camilo, right as he was leaving his room.

"Y/N!" he yelped, fixing his posture.

"Sorry, sorry, you came out of nowhere,"

"I came out of my room."

"You get what I mean,"

"Why are you here so early, anyway?"

I swayed back and forth on my feet, "For Mirabel, of course. Why else? We have girl things we to do,"

"Sure... I like your outfit."

My outfit? It's the same as usual, but it is pretty good.
"Thanks, I like your eyeshadow,"

"It's not eyeshadow!"

I giggled, "Sure, I'll see you later, I guess." I shuffled past him towards Mirabel's room.

"See you," he muttered.

Turning around, I stood in front of Mirabel's faded door before knocking harshly, smirking. There was a yelp on the other side before the handle twisted suddenly and the door nearly slammed open.

"You scared me! Geez, Y/N," she said, clearly startled. I only laughed in response, quickly apologizing before Mirabel stood to the side as to let me in. The second I stepped in the doorway I felt my legs being squeezed in a hug.

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