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Abuela beat us to Isa and Mirabel, storming through the front door.

"What is going on?!" she shouted furiously, her voice booming through the weak walls. The two sat up instantly, Camilo and I paused and watched from the side.

"Abuela! It's okay, everything's- We're gonna save the miracle, the magic!" Mirabel said incredulously.

"What are you talking about?!" Abuela looked around the room, "Look at our home! Look at your sister!" Isa looked guiltily to the floor, her hands behind her back. It was clear she was scared of Abuela's judgement and if she was being 'perfect' enough, if there even was such a thing.

"Please, just- Isabela wasn't happy and-"

"Of course she isn't happy, you ruined her proposal!"

"No, no, she needed me to ruin her proposal and then we did all this! And the candle burned brighter and the cracks- That's why I'm in the vision, I'm saving the miracle!-"

"You have to stop, Mirabel!" Abuela berated. I nearly snapped when Camilo stopped me, shaking his head.

"We shouldn't step in, they need to settle this." He looked just as pained as I did.

"But Abuela-"

The sharp sound of cracking tiles and concrete cut me off as Abuela continued to scold my friend. Luisa and Isa stood beside us, too scared to say anything.

"The cracks started with you. Bruno left because of you. Luisa's losing her powers, Isabela's out of control, because of you!" Mirabel winced each time Abuela said 'you.'

Tears began to well up in my eyes, I couldn't stand to see Mirabel get blamed and berated just because she didn't have powers, I couldn't believe Abuela was blaming her for ruining the magic. Maybe she's scared and needs someone to blame, but why Mirabel? It's not like she chose to not have a power.

"I don't know why you weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!"

I remember when Abuela treated Mirabel like her sisters and cousins. Now, she treats her like she isn't as important, like her lack of powers ruined things. I felt more tears prick my eyes as my empathy for Mirabel grew. Camilo took note of that and held me closer by the waist. I could feel his arm shaking a little. Watching this must be so difficult for the rest of the family, who were also watching from the sides, not daring to step in. More cracks shattered through the walls, near our feet and around the candle.

"I will never... be good enough for you, will I?" Mirabel's voice shook. Abuela continued to look at her sternly.
"No matter how hard I try," she looked to her family, "No matter how hard any of us tries. Luisa will never be strong enough, Isabela won't be perfect enough. Bruno only left our family because you only saw the worst in him-"

"Bruno didn't care about this family!"

"He loves this family, I love this family, we all love this family, you're the one who doesn't care. You're the one breaking our home-"

"Don't you ever-"

"The miracle is dying, because of you!" Mirabel sobbed. She felt the weight of her words a second too late as a huge fracture split between the two. Tía Pepa gasped.

"No, no, no!"

The house shook, the fracture spreading up beneath the candle before breaking the window sill it sat on. It toppled over, nearly rolling off the edge. Camilo looked to me then ran upstairs. Mirabel and Isa also bolted to the candle, Mirabel calling to Casita for a way to up while Isa summoned vines to climb.

Camilo ducked beneath falling tiles, shifting into people of different sizes to try and reach the candle. While Isa was swinging, her door's light went out as the vine vanished. Casita tried to slow her fall by shooting out two beams. Camilo jumped from the balcony, shifting into someone taller to try and grab hold of the roof, however, he shifted back to his normal self before he could grasp the edge.

Panic surged through me, rushing to where he was falling before Casita disconnected a railing for him to catch onto before he hit the ground. He grunted with frustration as he landed next to Isa. I quickly helped them up before moving out the way.

Antonio's door burst open, animals rushing out of the room, the inside collapsing with the rest of the house. Tío Félix swooped in to grab Antonio before a door could fall on him, shouting for us all to get out.

I looked back up to Mirabel who was still on the roof, inches away from the candle. I was panicking, the tiles began moving like large waves washing us to shore and out of the house. Tía Julieta and tío Agustín were still calling for their daughter to leave the candle before we were all thrown outside.

Huge cracks went through Bruno's tower, what if it fell on Mirabel?! I couldn't see where she was, my heart was racing, the house was collapsing inside, what if she didn't make it out?!

Camilo pulled me into a panicked embrace as we watched the house crumble. I shrieked as dust flew out everywhere.

Mirabel sat in the middle of the wreckage, holding the shallow wax that used to be the candle. Tía Julieta rushed to Mirabel. I wanted to run to her too before I looked around to take in what was left of La Casa Madrigal.

Tía Pepa called to her sister, leaving Mirabel kneeling with a broken expression. The family walked through the remains of the house, no longer magical, no longer standing tall, no longer a home.

A few of the townsfolk, including my parents, came over to help search through the fallen structure. My hand was squeezed as Camilo looked around. Everyone was heartbroken. Antonio began to cry, it was painful to hear.

"My powers. They're gone." Camilo's voice cracked. He stared at the ground before looking back up at me, tears brimming his once bright eyes. I immediately hugged him with as much warmth as I could, stroking his hair as he squeezed back. "What about Antonio? What's he gonna do?"

"Mirabel?! Where's Mirabel? Where is she?!" tía Julieta panicked. Mirabel had vanished from her spot. I looked up, staring at the mountain that stood behind the house. It was broken in half.

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