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I sat between Mirabel and her dad. Mirabel and I were staring with urgency at Dolores, making sure she doesn't say a word. She only shrunk back in fear, squeaking every now and then. She couldn't hold it in much longer.

"Avocado?" Mariano offered Mirabel the bowl, obstructing her view which made me turn to her. I quickly took the bowl before we looked back. Dolores was already whispering to her brother.
"Mirabel found Bruno's vision."

Camilo looked at us, jaw dropped. He choked once he processed those words which made him shift into me, then Mirabel, then Bruno, then a...

"Camilo, fix your face," tío Félix hissed. A messed up version of his face, I guess. He shook his head, face returning to normal as he looked between me and Mirabel. Isa offered me water, blocking mine and Mirabel's view. Before Mirabel could move her sister's arm, I could already see Camilo whispering to his father, who spat out the water he was drinking. He cleared his throat as Camilo smiled sheepishly.

"Mirabel-" Abuela said. She gasped next to me. "The cream, please."

Mirabel composed herself, attempting to casually ask for the cream.

"Y/N, the, uh, cream?"

I laughed nervously, grabbing the bowl of cream and handed it to her. Isa eyed us suspiciously as her sister smiled, giving her the bowl. We immediately turned back around, tío Félix was already whispering to his wife as she gawked at us.

"Pepa, the cloud." Abuela pointed out. Tía Pepa began stroking her braid anxiously, muttering 'Clear skies' to herself as she tried easing the thunder.

She quickly began whispering to Mirabel's mom, to which she looked at us concerned. We averted eye contact, taking an awkward sip from our glasses. Mirabel glanced at me worriedly, pointing to the tiles below her as they were cracking. She stuck her head under the table before I yanked her back up. She hit her head on the table and groaned.

"Mirabel? Everything okay?" Mariano questioned. I chuckled awkwardly.

"Everything is great, she's just... excited! For you to propose, which, uh, you should do! As fast as you can!" I stuttered. Mirabel and I forced a smile to Isa and Mariano, who looked at us confused.

"Uh, I was actually gonna-" Mariano began.

"You were actually gonna! Great!" Mirabel forced Isa's chair to face him, patting down the ruffles on her sleeves as she side-eyed her with confused annoyance.

"Well- Uh, well since everyone here has a talent, I wanted to begin with a song," Mariano said hesitantly, "Luisa, could you bring over the piano?"

Luisa's lip quivered, forcing out a pained 'okay' as she left the table. Mirabel laughed nervously.

"Uh, it's actually family tradition to sing after!" She quickly got up and dumped Mariano out of the chair. He fell kneeling and began pulling out a box from his pocket.

"Isabela, most graceful of all the Madrigals,"

I noticed cracks beginning to form on the ground next to them. Mirabel noticed, too, the both of us leaping to cover them. We sat up quickly.

"You're doing great," I squeaked.

Mariano looked at us confused before continuing, "The most perfect flower in this entire encanto,"

Isa glared at Mirabel, but her focus was elsewhere. We gasped as a coati chittered from beneath the table, grabbing the glowing shards from tío Agustín's pocket. Not even a second later, chaos ensues.

Luisa drags over the piano, soon sobbing. Another coati appears as two begin assembling the vision on a tray under the table.

"Will you marry-"

"No!" Mirabel shouts at the critters. Luisa falls to the ground, sobbing even harder. Thunder rumbled, scaring some toucans as they flew around the room.

"What is happening?!" Abuela shrieks. I look over to everyone at the table, Camilo covered his head, Antonio hid behind the table, everyone else was ducking and looking around in fear. Dolores looked like she was going to explode.

"Mirabel found Bruno's vision- She's in it, she's gonna destroy the magic, and now we're all doomed!" she screamed, covering her ears.

Mirabel chased the coatis onto the table. She tried grabbing the tray but instead hit it, causing it to slide in front of Abuela. I was frozen, I looked behind me into the rest as the house. The doors flickered.

My attention was pulled back to the sound of cracks. Camilo's head turned into a baby, then sprouting a mustache. Normally I would've laughed my ass off but this was seriously not the time. A crack formed between Isa and Mariano, flowery vines bloomed inside and literally punched him in the face, knocking the box out of his hand. His face looked really bad.

The window behind Camilo and Dolores blew open, a small crowd outside holding a congratulations banner, cheering before they noticed how uncheerful everyone was inside. Dolores and Camilo winced as the crowd dispersing. The thundercloud continued to rumble above our heads as it began to pour inside. Abuela turned to Mirabel with an expression I couldn't read, it definitely wasn't happy, though.

Everyone shot up from the table, Mariano weeping as he left the house with Abuela frantically following him. Mirabel went after her, I stayed behind and went to the wall side of the table.

I wanted to check on Camilo when I noticed how frightened Antonio was. I knelt down and hugged him, he squeezed back before running to his mother, who was in the doorway leaving with tío Félix. The cloud followed them out as the room emptied.

Dolores looked at me, her hands slowly leaving her ears before she ran off to her room. I wasn't mad at her, I was too stunned to be.

Camilo just stood at the table. I stood next to him before he turned to me. I gave him an apologetic look before he pulled me into a hug. As soon as I processed what just happened, I hugged back.

"I'm scared, Y/N," he mumbled into my shoulder. That was the first time in a while since he last used my name. I only squeezed back as he continued.
"What if I lose my gift? What if my whole family loses their gift? Antonio just got his, I don't want him to lose it now." His voice cracked, my heart ached to hear him like this. He was really shaken up.

I loosened my clutch, placing a hand on his cheek as his glistened with water. He leaned into my touch, holding my wrist for comfort. I gave him a soft smile.

"Camilo, your family will be alright. Even if you lose your gift, you're still you, and I really like you-"

His eyes widened before turned and kissed my hand. A tear fell down his other cheek. He wiped it with his wrist before pulling me into a hug again. My face was burning up, I gently hugged back.

"Thank you, Y/N... And also," his voice lowered, "I really like you, too."

I still can't and won't believe he wears bedazzled lookin sandals

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I still can't and won't believe he wears bedazzled lookin sandals

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