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I arrived in the late afternoon at my home-away-from-home in a simple outfit. No specific plans for today, I just wanted to check up on Mirabel since a lot happened yesterday. Yesterday... My mind began to wander as I thought about yesterday, how me and Camilo held hands, how he smiled awkwardly after that conversation with my dad, how close his face got to mine... I must've been drooling or something when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Bonita? You ok?" Dolores asked, holding a small basket of food. Wait, Dolores?

"Why are you Dolores right now?"

"Shh! I'm sneaking food,"

"That's, uh, cool, I guess. Sorry, this is really weird since you look like your sister,"
He, she? I don't know, Camilo
grinned smugly.

"Why? Do you like my normal face, cariño?" He shifted back, immediately stashing the basket under his ruana.

"That's definitely not obvious. Oh yeah, what'd my dad say to you yesterday?" I said, avoiding the question.

Camilo's face flushed, averting my curious gaze, "Oh, ah, umm, something along the lines of 'be good to my daughter' and some other things... about being with you and stuff,"

He said the last part quickly, not wanting to go into detail. I shrugged, it couldn't have been too bad. He doesn't normally get this nervous, though.

"Honestly, I didn't hear the last part but I'm just gonna assume it wasn't bad, okay?"

"Yeah, it wasn't bad. It was pretty good, actually. But I'm not gonna repeat it,"

"Good, then,"

"Hey, we're having a family dinner later. You can come if you want, Isabela's boyfriend is gonna be there, though. Also, what were you doing standing there like that? You looked paralyzed,"

I guess I wasn't drooling, that's good. "Oh, just... thinking about something," Wait did just he invite me to dinner?

"What something?" He leaned closer, agh why does he do this to me? Well I do like it, a little.
My face began to heat up, trying to think of an excuse and not say "You."


I said that outloud. I froze up. If I did have the ability to turn invisible, I would.

"Um- Hey is Mirabel in her room I'm gonna go check bye." I stumbled over my words as I speedwalked up to Mirabel's room. I cannot believe I just did that.

I didn't even bother knocking, I just went in and shut the door immediately. Mirabel looked startled, she was standing against her drawers. I plopped down on her bed with my hands on my face before falling backwards with a soft thud.

"Mirabel, oh my god, I'm so dumb,"

"What? What happened? You're really red."

I took a deep breath. "Gah, I was standing there outside and Camilo came over but he was transformed into Dolore- Not important but he asked me what I was thinking about and I blurted out 'you' and-" I groaned, catching my breath.

"Wow, that was really fast. Impressive, but all I heard was Camilo. I got it, though,"

"Geez, am I that obvious?"

"He is, and now you are, too," she snickered.

I groaned again. That was so embarrassing, I can't even begin to describe. Maybe I'm overthinking, and overheating a little. He probably feels good about it, though. He'd like that I'm thinking about him, oh my god he'd like that I'm thinking about him. This is too much.

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