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"Mirabel!" Abuela shouted sternly.

That snapped us back into reality as I let go of Camilo. He likes me. Well, I already knew that, thanks Dolores, but to hear him actually say it made my heart flutter, despite the chaos. We gazed into each other's eyes until a strike of lightning lit up the house.

"I should... check on my mom... Thanks, Y/N." he chuckled slightly. I only nodded as he walked past me, pecking my cheek before he left. I noticed a sly smirk on his face when he walked away. My face was so hot, all I could do was stand by the open window and let the evening breeze cool me down.

Shoot, my parents might be looking for me. It's probably okay if I stay longer, it happens all the time, my parents are used to it.

My thoughts were conflicted, half of them were oh my god Camilo likes me and oh my god the magic is dying. I stood in the courtyard of the house, soon wondering where Mirabel was. Briefly checking outside, the first floor, and her room, I went to Dolores's room. Mirabel was nowhere, but maybe Dolores heard something?

No, the doors were still flickering as I gently knocked. She groaned on the other side, so I let myself into the silent room. She was laying in bed with a pillow hugged around her head, I knelt beside her with a worried expression.

"It's so quiet... It feels like my ears are empty," she mumbled, "But every now and then it gets really loud and there's no filter to what I hear... y'know? Normally I can control what I hear but right now I just hear... everything,"

"I sort of get it... Have you heard anything unusual?"

"The rats' squeaking is louder, and occasionally I hear Mirabel in the walls, but I dunno, I think I'm just confused,"

"I guess that could explain why I can't find her anywhere," I chuckled slightly. She gave me a weak smile.

"Maybe you should sleep," I suggested, "You're gonna overwhelm yourself."

Dolores nodded before shutting her eyes, humming softly. I rubbed her shoulder in an attempt to soothe her before stepping out of the room. Camilo also left the room a few doors down, rubbing his nose and wincing. I walked over.

"Hey, cariño," his voice was higher as he held his nose. I giggled.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Heh, yeah, I was trying to calm down Mami but something hit the wall and she accidentally struck me in the nose. Like, lightning strike me,"

I cringed at the thought, "Ouch, does it hurt?" I reached up to his face which was a little red.

"It just feels weird. My gift's been acting up still, I turned into, like, three people when I should've just turned into my mom or something. I shifted into the people I trusted the most, too, which was weird,"

I wonder if he shifted into me. "Yeah, that is weird. Dolores too, her hearing's been going in and out and it's really overwhelming her. I can't find Mirabel, either. Dolores said she occasionally heard her in the walls but she said she might just be confused,"

"Huh, we should probably try to find her,"

"I tried already, she's not in her room, not downstairs, nor is she outside, at least not around around the house. Where else can she be?"

"I dunno, but maybe we should check again,"

He brought his hand down from his face and took mine down with it, lacing our fingers before I leaned closer and pecked his nose. He flushed more, the redness spreading on his face. His hand shook a little before he shifted into me, then a sort of messed up version of himself again. I giggled at the sight.

"Your face is..." He shook his head, returning to normal. He squeezed my hand.

"Ah, bonita, don't-don't make fun of me," he huffed. He covered his flushed face with his other hand, turning his head away from me. He flusters me so much but when I fluster him he gets, like, really flustered. That's so cute, I thought as we began wandering the house, calling for Mirabel.

A few times his gift acted up, his head turned into a baby like the one at the table, his clothes changed, and his hands shrunk into baby ones in my hand. He still continued to call for Mirabel, his voice high-pitched. I snickered before calling for her as well. No response, there was none the entire time we were searching for her. At some point I swear I saw Bruno's door begin to illuminate out of the corner of my eye, but I decided not to think about it.

I sighed, reconsidering what Dolores mentioned. Was there even a way to get into the walls? More cracks crept through the bricks. I dragged my hand along a wall, concerned for Casita. I heard tía Julieta and tío Agustín talking behind a wall. I decided it was getting late. We walked back upstairs before I stopped.

"Camilo, I think I have to go home soon,"

"Wait," he pulled my hand, "Please stay, I don't know what's gonna happen and I need you here with me in case anything does." He begged me with his eyes. I looked around, the house creaked and moaned.

I nodded, my parents would understand if I told them there was an emergency at the Madrigal's.

"Oh yeah, I also need to do this," He pecked my lips before giving me a smug smile. I let go of his hand to cover my face, to which he peeled back my hands and cupped my cheek, this time smiling sweetly.

"Amor, I can feel how hot your face is. And see it with how red you are. It's adorable."

Before I could reply, succulents and spiky plants began sprouting around the house. I grabbed Camilo's hand again and pulled him to the other side of the balcony that was facing the candle.

On the roof, we saw Mirabel and Isa singing and dancing, leaping and making unfamiliar plants grow everywhere she could. Colorful powder flew through the air, staining Isa and Mirabel's clothing with beautiful asymmetry. They slid down a vine in front of the candle and embraced. The candle gleamed brighter than I've ever seen and cracks began to undo themselves. Camilo pulled me as we rushed downstairs to meet with the sisters, who landed on a pile of flowers.

Bruno lookin kinda goofy

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Bruno lookin kinda goofy

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Camilo Madrigal × (Fem!) Reader Where stories live. Discover now