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"I was given a miracle, a second chance, and I was so afriad to lose it... That I lost sight of who our miracle was for. And- I am so sorry. You never hurt our family, Mirabel. We are broken... because of me," Abuela's voice cracked as she sat beside me. She broke eye contact as she looked down, tears flowing down her face.

My eyes watered as I looked out over the river. A yellow butterfly gently fluttered to a delicate plant, just like in Bruno's vision, just like in Abuela's past. I stood up, taking a step into the serene little waterfalls.

"Abuela, I can finally see." I reached out to her as we stood in the river together, gradually making our way to the little plant in the middle of the shallow water. "You lost your home, lost everything. You suffered so much all alone... So it would never happen again," I spoke softly.

Ever since my ceremony, we've never given each other the chance to be vulnerable or understand each other.

"We were saved because of you. We were given a miracle, because of you. We are a family, because of you. And nothing can ever be broken that we can't fix, together."

My tone grew more hopeful as I continued, placing my hand around hers. She looked like she was going to cry, but not from despair. I don't think anyone's ever told her this before. The corners of her lips turnt slightly, grateful.

"I asked my Pedro for help... Mirabel, he sent me you." I began to cry as she cupped my face before we tightly embraced. Everything she said was all I ever wanted to hear, I just wanted to feel needed, purposeful.

Swarms of butterflies flew all around us as sun rays shone over the river and through the split mountain. The river glistened with warm-colored flowers floating upon its surface. We finally understood each other.

The sound of a galloping horse grew closer from the halfed mountain.

"Mirabel?!" I shouted, running around to the front of the house, tía Julieta and Camilo following. Mirabel ran to me, I met her halfway as we hugged before the doorway. Her mother soon joined.

"Y/N, Mamá,"

"Mi amor, I was so worried. We couldn't find you." tía Julieta said as we let go. Tío Agustín came up next to us, nearly completely swollen.

"There were bees... Everywhere. I'll be okay." He patted his daughter's shoulder with his puffy hand.

I took a step back next to Camilo. "Uh, not if we don't have a house," Another one of his sarcastic remarks. I nudged him rather harshly. "What? We don't have a house! I can't say we don't have a house? What is that? Not a house," he gestured to the piles of rubble. Everyone shook their heads at him.

"Not the time, Camilo," I hissed. He huffed, running his fingers through his hair as Mirabel stepped through the doorway, the only part of the house that was still standing.

"Look at this home, we need a new foundation. It may seem hopeless, but we'll get by just fine," The family moved around her as she continued singing. "Look at this family, a glowing constellation, so full of stars and everybody wants to shine." We proceeded into the house with newfound inspiration, Camilo instinctively weaving our fingers together despite the slight ache in his arm.

"But the stars don't shine they burn, and the constellations shift. I think it's time you learn, you're more than just your gift," Mirabel helped Luisa lift a chunk of concrete, her big sister's lip quivered with gratitude.

"And I'm sorry I held on too tight, just so afriad I'd lose you too. The miracle is not some magic that you've got, the miracle is you, not some gift, just you. The miracle is you," Abuela sang to two of her triplets, the third one peeking out from behind. The two ran to him, delighted.

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