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Suddenly there was yelling coming up the stairs.

"The house is in danger!" People stopped dancing as they turned to the Madrigal in distress.
"The house is in danger," Mirabel cried, panting as she stood before her Abuela. The music stopped and everyone looked to each other, concerned.

"The tiles were falling, and there were cracks everywhere- And the candle almost went out..."

There was murmuring amongst the people, Abuela stopped to process what was said.

"Show me," she replied, readjusting her cardigan.

Camilo and I looked at each
other before following behind them. As we stepped out of the room, the house seemed normal. It looked like how it did before. Mirabel spun around, looking up at the walls, confused. What cracks did she see? What happend while she was out? I noticed a shallow gash on her hand as she tried pointing out where she saw said cracks.

"The cracks were there! They were... everywhere. The house was in trouble, the-the candle was..." I heard Isa scoff next to me.
"Abuela I promise-"

Abuela was quick to cut her off. "That's enough." She gave Mirabel a firm look before turning to the crowd, "There is nothing wrong with La Casa Madrigal. The magic is strong!" Her voice boomed through the unbroken house. "Please, music! A bailar, a bailar!"

Agustín played a little riff on the piano that Luisa suddenly brought over, and with that, the night continued as usual. Tía Julieta began going down the stairs to meet with her daughter. I looked to Camilo, pointing to Mirabel with my eyes. He nodded, heading back into Antonio's room with everyone else. What happened to her?

Tía Julieta smiled at me as we headed down the stairs. We walked Mirabel to the kitchen, I was curious as to what she saw.

"If it was all in my head, how did I cut my hand?" Mirabel questioned as her mom kneaded some dough. I leaned on the tiles next to Mirabel with a quizzical expression. "I would never ruin Antonio's night. Is that really what you think?"

I can't imagine someone actually thinking that. Oh, Isa, I guess that's why she scoffed at her little sister like that. I placed a hand on Mirabel's shoulder, I wasn't sure whether I should believe her or not when it came to the cracks she saw. Her mom walked over to the stove, placing the handful of dough.

"What I think is that today was very hard for you." she said calmly.

"That's-" Mirabel groaned, "I was looking out for the family. And I may not be super strong like Luisa, or effortlessly perfect like señorita perfecta Isabela who's never even had a bad hair day, but- whatever."

She sighed in defeat, knowing no one would believe her. There were no cracks, after all, and the candle was still brightly lit. Tía Julieta sat on the other side of Mirabel, gently grabbing her hand as a freshly made arepa and butter was brought over with the tiles. I wanted to believe Mirabel, she wouldn't lie or joke about something that serious, but she had nothing to show of the trouble she claimed she saw.

"I wish you could see yourself the way I do," her mother spoke kindly.

"You're talented, Mirabel. And so, so caring." I said gently.

"You are perfect, just like this. You're just as special as anyone else in this family." her mom continued. Mirabel took a bite.

"Mhm, you just healed my hand with an arepa con queso."

"I healed your hand... with the love for my daughter," Tía Julieta said jokingly but still with the same affection. Mirabel groaned and rolled her eyes. "-with a wonderful brain, big heart," she exaggerated all her movements.

Cool glasses," I added.

"Y/N- Mamá!" Mirabel hissed. Her mother kissed her cheek exaggeratedly before Mirabel stepped back. "I know what I saw," she said firmly, folding her arms. Her mom sighed.

"Mira, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family... I don't want the same for you." I turned to Mirabel with a comforting gaze. "Get some sleep, you'll feel better tomorrow." Tía Julieta concluded as she left the kitchen.

Mirabel stood, considering what she was told. I've always wondered about Bruno, there's no trace of him besides the family murals and his lifeless door.

"You don't need to come super early tomorrow, not much is happening, anyway." Mirabel spoke.

"I wasn't planning on it, I'm tired of waking up early,"

"You only did it for two days."

"That's two days too many," I chuckled, pausing for a second, "Do you want me to stay with you?" She shook her head.

I still walked with her up the stairs but parted ways when she began walking towards her room. She probably feels really bad, I just wish I could help more.

People were beginning to leave now, I didn't realize how late it was getting. I stayed near the bottom of the stairs so I could spot my father when he leaves. I found him standing at the top of the stairs with a small basket of arepas. My eyes widened when I noticed who he was talking to.

He firmly patted Camilo on his shoulder, smiling politely before making his way down the stairs. I noticed how uncharacteristically straight Camilo's posture was and how stiff he stood. He looked at me, softening, giving me a nervous smile before waving. I laughed to myself a little, waving back as I met with my father at the bottom of the stairs.

"That's a nice boy, Camilo,"

"Yeah, he is."

"How come you've never invited him to the house?"


He chuckled, I groaned in embarrassment, my hands covering my face to hide the unwanted blush. As we began to walk, I took another glance at Camilo. He was still looking at me, shifting into me and then shifting back when he saw me turn around. What a dork.

I've blessed you with a kinda short chapter woohoo

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I've blessed you with a kinda short chapter woohoo

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Camilo Madrigal × (Fem!) Reader Where stories live. Discover now